I finally can adjust from the unexpected extra fame I got.
It was a few waves. Lovely love waves from all of you.
Waves of love and more friends, and too many friends to handle. I do want to keep them all and want to be better to them. And will be around a lot more. But thousands, more, in all places… How to do that? It was a lot to handle.
At the same time, my kids have been stolen from me. And the locals as huge criminals, and the past region with their crimes that still needed to be solved.
This country with its huge problems. It was a lot of work around the fame I had. Going around what happened to me personally, them narcissistically taking all the time.
But every human needs to process all that happens to them. And finally, I get used to the things I must do with this fame, and the next logical steps with this fame.
And for everyone with this dream in front of the mirror, acting out a dream. That is it. It is a future truth. And thus prepare. And see how it takes a lifetime. And how in that life all will take sudden new turns too, to more fame. And dare to see the logic. You have a plan, will work for it, thus something will come out of it.
So, I was already famous/ known for many reasons.
And I note to you everyone has branches with the family.
You can look yours up, and see your shields for the fame your family has for centuries.
https://www.houseofnames.com/shields-family-crest v
Your parents both have jobs or are known for their families,
as before we were born, all were named precisely to the family and all knew all families in towns, regions and the country. It was all very tight.
And all spoke about the royalties and jews blood, and all someone could be famous for in genes, and besides that, all spoke about the fame of their jobs.
Where some dads, like mine had missions, and are known as veterans. And some others had veteran alike fame.
Or some were just known for whatever work they did. Everyone knew all in towns. That's how I grew up.
So, also my grandparents were having “fame”.
There were just a few million people when they grew up, so easily all knew each other for their famous things, whatever that was.
Growing older they all got into clubs and got famous for art, books published and work that got into the museums, and just lots more family fame could happen as there was more wealth in all countries, thus more opportunities.
Fame is just known for the development, known for the talent, known for your job.
So, if you want fame, just start something. And spread your work. And just add all to develop your talent, and you will be noted. Just like in the old days, you would get fame for the branches in the family. It is very old to develop and help society, or to be known for a talent.
So, I grew up with the radio in my home.
And my brother is very famous. Radio fame never leaves. But like any artwork, and any music work, and any production work, it takes some time, to see the person in the middle of attention, and then all remember all and share all again. It is like any famous singer, that gets a new CD out, and suddenly is getting all attention when people like the new CD a lot. Some CD releases you hear not so much of the person, as people listen to a while to others, but when one new CD is it, all have it and all honestly tell again, we know you a long time. And will speak about the entire life and past of the talented.
So, it is going in waves
And it goes with new talents and new ideas that developed, not only the talent from the past. All you do grows.
So, you could be a singer, with new CD’s and work for special projects and get attention for both. But you can also have a famous other fam member, they all know you for too.
There are a few lower majors and lower jobs with less fame.
Some people choose jobs that are least famous or giving them the least fame. But the rest of the world develops and will get a certain amount of fame. That is for developed people something that happens. They are just alive, and like all people, they will just work and that work will get fame. That is the norm today.
Less developed is a huge issue, they never understand the norm.
They are not famous for anything and accuse all of being no norm. But all have talents, all other people, all are famous for things. Just be you and add good input to develop you and your talents.
So, I had known the family things, and my talents grew, and I did all fitting to that.
Just karaoke hosting, singing and winning prices, writing some songs, and known for all around me. And living in a place with lots more known and famous people for just anything they could be known.
Richer areas have more famous and known. It is, even more, the logic. And almost none is famous nor developed. All are developed.
If you wonder in those regions why not you, it is your grades, and your no further development, and no further studies that kept you small.
Try to be in a club, and see how ya famous for your work together. Try to take lessons in whatever you like and participate in contests and see how much fame you get from that.
There are always better than me.
Yes, especially in those regions where I lived, oh yes you never get an ego, there is so much work in all jobs and so many greater talents. They are hugely famous. We all just do what we do, and we’ ll see where we end up.
So I thought I knew enough to handle the next step.
Oh but fame comes unexpectedly. Some times there seems to be nothing new, and all you do seems so small, just for a few people, a few thousand, while you always did things for so many more people and nationally. Traveling around and delivering the work.
The next step was going to be a cruise ship and hosting karaoke.
Or something fun. Traveling and performing and studying is what I had planned in my teen years.
But I got disabled (fatigue and fibromyalgia), so I thought to never get normal work in all my work again. And thus studied a lot. I would then just do small clubs, and small work around the world, to keep the sense of traveling and the dream I had.
And after some years of studying, I was living in a new region, where hardly people live.
I was known for my father, as that is their family member, and perhaps my brother s work, as that was national work with a lot of fame. And the family there might know about some things I did. But they had missed a lot of us, and they had a long time no TV channels or radio stations like our previous region, thus missed always a lot of what we had lived.
So it was peaceful to just study, and get fame online.
I did like the attention my whole life in my old region. Which were all days people asking how are you and when and where will you sing again? Or what new things are you doing? As we had so many people doing things, we would ask that to so many people too.
In the new region, there was not so much alive, and all would say they had never known such life as a child, teen or adult. Even some found that unfair. And knew their region had not developed that way.
Some did get very famous, but all were different from the things we had in the previous region.
Around me crime rate got high.
So, after some horrific things through schools of my kids, and all crimes at the jobs there, we left to a secret address. That got so much attention, for us personally, and the group handling that missed the developed talent to understand this is a crime, to let people in such circumstances, that these narcissistic can take such times of the family. They were apparently raised trapped within crime scenes and found it normal to not have a personal life but to be lived by criminals. A very low wealth and health at mind. And very low degrees, and a lot not even degreed, but old diploma’s and all low GPA, and hardly real knowledge. Trapping the entire country with low knowledge and thus the crime scenes at work. Everyone got a hold on their life. It was so horrific. And then even trafficking kids. All against human rights, ethics, and any logic route, studied people must follow. And then expecting all would just stay trapped as if all people are no people.
- When I just lived there in that region our names were on google trends a lot. And my brother was still famous for the national radio.
- Then I got some fame from writing online nationally. And the next step would be making books, as publishers asked me to publish my books if I had some ready for that.
- Then, I was I Wanna Be Famous contestant and finalist, and my kids too. And we almost won to go to Vegas and get American management. And we did that some years. There the online international fame grew a lot.
- And I developed my studies and company and got a bigger group of professionals globally around me.
All here seemed just like my past situation and the new developing company, and a hobby, because my body was disabled, so why would I be able to get back that way. I could not do the things to be famous with that anymore I thought. But was ninth of all the female finalists two times. And had a lot of friends from that time.
My writing got to lots of readers and seemed to be the next big thing. I thought I would be known as a writer from now on. With a company that might work, in psychology.
The crimes went on in the previous town, and thus we moved.
And then, I had to do my company earlier, because of the crimes they had done, also my income was taken with frauds internally in that region. It is dutch insurance, but they never accepted the plan from my old region, before them. While that is a lawful plan. Thus my duty to do. And that meant to get the degree, not just a diploma, but the bachelor's degree, study more studies and combine work, music, teaching, psychology/ therapy. And as work from home, my own “practice”. Laws changed, and my body never healed, so I changed studies. And these locals were criminals, and were a huge block and caused me to not finish yet that degree. Even physically abusing me, the “doctor” at that company did, and they all did mentally, emotionally bullies they were. Causing lots of physical problems, as I am handicapped and can not 24/7 work on them. And had to keep that duty up. It was hell. Plus the kids abused in schools. Remind you of my studies, all about that. Thus I had to get criminals and ill out of the workplace too. That was a tough job. And everyone was target by the older generation, all kids and families abused.
Totally crime out of hand.
The new region even more. Trafficking my kids away. Discriminative.
And I had that duty, my company. Thus the fame I did not think of. I had to work, totally exploited in many ways, after exploitation. For just well fare.
Some good lawyers, and for the local problems, not the best, as their entire scene is out of hand. So, only more issues came on top, and the dutch crime scene got clear.
So, I also got lots further at work. And in psychology I got far and with great international psychologists, thus my work got better and better, despite the crimes I had to live.
And the world crime got clear, as countries have similar problems. So, that got far. And finally, that got the understanding of what it is today.
Since 2010, about 2010, things changed globally and we all did not really know all. Ten years later we saw some groups develop, and got finally some grip on some extremists and terrorists. And now authoritarianism has to leave us, also the crimes at the workplace.
People need to get a higher education, GPA and honor codes, and must be raised authoritative, and need academic skills and understanding of development also of their theses.
All I wrote about got bigger too, thus who knew me from certain topics saw me develop a lot too.
Then my company and my topics got together and developed well.
But in the middle of this, fans and friends came to ask me things, and from the past friends and fans and the IWBF friends and fans, also the writer's friends and fans, I got into N1M. And got millions of plays and views.
And lots of people internationally wanting me.
That was so much at the same time these criminals around me, and my kids stolen, and this big world problem to solve.
But now I have my own topics. I had pages long results in google, now changed into a few things they are sure of is me. And the topic when you type my name in, in google.
And all these messages, and groups of fans, on my pages, and all together lots of people.
Imagine a Dutch with max 17 million in the country, so always just a few of that watching or listening, and then the world.
It has been the best surprise and so many sweet people. Especially as I never wanted to live in Holland. And we have been through abuse to abuse in this country.
So, for you, just believe in what you want to do, and get into the places to show your things, and you will get many of friends, and suddenly in waves fame.
And they will stick around. They all now know you. And have chats they want with you.
That I still hardly can, as I work a lot. But I am getting into all I need to keep up, and reading messages, and answering some.
And will develop into being better at this, and in preparing for the next wave.
Because let's remind us, this was just my demo’s from Berklee.
And all knew me with better quality when I was younger, thus it will be interesting for all to follow up what I sound like now, and what I say and do now, now I am older. And for the rest of the world, to finally hear the quality.
And for me, to despite all get the life I knew I should have, and always had, but now also internationally.
And to meet up with everyone. That will be a new thing. To meet so many, even more than I was used too.
And then the growth of that. As it does not stop, as long as you deliver products.
And the fun processing all these people’s, my friends, ideas… I love them dearly, and I love to follow up on so many of them. And process all they do. It is thousands of people and a lot of great input. All amazing people.
I love this input processing output, and then we are each other's new input and process that again. I love how all shapes each other.
And then those locals, we all now know, my god they miss a development, a real-world, life, earth, and knowledge. Just criminals trying all that live around them. We will change that, as we all studied that is insanity. And thus none will accept that. And I hope they simply learn to develop too. And just do their lives, so we can do ours. And I cant wait to see where my kids develop into, as they have a great life, without these locals, and are known for many things already. And have great plans.
Despite all, it was a great time, because of all of you! Thank you. And I learned through the crime scenes good still lives. We go right through them and crime never wins. Love wins.
They ll remain to look stupid for their not understanding of who I am, thus of who all the people around them are, really. Missing out on our developments, simply because they can not understand development and people.
We, all in the world, invest in so much more. We invest in each other, and we care for each other, and we develop so much more.
And they just need to discover what real love is. Thank you for giving me so much love, that I know what love is. And I will give back my love too! L;ove!
5 years ago…
All guess why I felt that way…past year…