How COVID19 is an example of every Dutch department, and all crimes in the jobs.

The core low literacy, frauds, exploitations, human trafficking, abuse, and neglect, and no knowledge, low GPA, low understanding, using low educated and no real jobs.

Jiska Hachmer
13 min readMar 13, 2020
  • In science research leads.
  • We have duty to science, arbowet.
  • So, all dutch have duty to science, but none knows how to do it.

Then RIVM is “leading” , with mistakes, because of the lack of understanding what they had to be.

  • They had to be: Research data, best of world, not a Dutch “variant”, it would mean fraud, wrong, faults, no real science.

In science all can be agreeing.

So, they lack good teachers.

All jobs are taught, they were raised wrong. Their parents had to raise them and educate them. Extenstion of their homes allowed. Although the worst thing to do in raising, as science proved that and they just do not understand why, as they were raised wrong. They have right and wrong mixed up and twisted, and thus are dark triads.

They lack lessons

lesson 1. agree . Scientific laws. All the rest is theories, and leaves choices for the people, not them. (Human rights they also lack, also ethics, thus they do crimes at work, and do not even understand why in science, ethics, human rights they are wrong, and thus criminals in many ways. And with lots of damage. )

lesson 2. They are not ruling, it is no power job. They are knowledge, data research, logic interpretation which is doctorates must know all and best, and are above the rest in the field because of the knowledge. But they do crimes, not this knowledge and logic. So, they skip all knowledge, and do not even understand knowledge, and fight around as typical criminals, striving for nothing as their words have no value. It is a shallow fight. And with lots of damage.

lesson 3. They do not do research thesis, but opinions. And that is a crime. Jobs have standards and science, and it is never an opinion. Professional people have research thesis, scientific laws, and math and logic in the science. And know they do not rule, but tell the science, and that has a logic of movement among the people and jobs. There is no place for no knowledge, and forcing opinions. And this way they do it leads to lots of damage.

They do not understand schooling, curriculum, science method, and logic.

They think in “adjust” , not the COVID19 is always the same, as science shows. There is no logic in thinking the country next door is suddenly different. It is different when there is a mutation. But thats science. There is no discrimination by a virus, so dutch now have a different style of treating and handling things, but dutch do differently as they do not understand anything, they have no people raised the right way, because of their lack of science, human trafficking, use of people, exploitations and crimes at work that led to more lack of knowledge. It is a hollow way of approaching and dangerous, and with no excuse, science is out there, you must have studied it, but they lacked it, because they have criminal motives. They are not typically scientiifcally correct people. And do not even understand science, nor why science is such big thing? It is a threat in their opinion, as they are dark triads with ego, they see it is as enemy. They never saw it as a power of knowledge and thus good working in jobs, and thus no crimes etc. And thus wealth etc. And that they need a part in that, and wherever they ended up in science level is the max power they will experience. If we do bad in science, we die. If we do not learn science, we do not even know why we died. If we do science badly, we have bad hospitals and working people, thus no value in science and working fields. If we force kids to that low study, we have low literate. If we force kids and people in general we damage. There is a natural force to study and learning, and real teachers and studied people, and real parents understand that. And never need force. Life has a force, and thus a child learns. And this natural way leads to higher grades, and higher gpa and higher knowledge and higher science, thus more power and more understanding, and thus a higher job, higher income, and more wealth. This is very absolute. There is not much else. There is this logic. And one that is not as smart, can take some more time to get higher too, and will have a same wealth.

All human are the same, there is no adjust to in COVID19, other than 30–79 is the one getting the virus the most, but all getting it, have a same treatment. So, the types that get ill, the type of COVID19 makes differently ill, etc, but without doing science you have no clue. And all the rest is no change possible, then the real COVID19 absolute difference. We can not make up differences, and vaguely say oh all is different here, and blame these few clear differences for all you do different, where you fraud some other things, and actually are one big scam, not knowing any science, that is not being proper, nor ethical, nor scientific correct way of being, thus no good leading. Also, it is lacking empathy, and understanding of people need the best, you are not the best, and take leader position, so people will not get the best. That is a lack of understanding people, and the jobs. And thus the worst leader. And that is science, a proven way of logically getting into faults. There is no understanding of the job, thus there are mistakes. And people even push the mistakes and have the fault.

That is a typical frauds way to say I do crime, I do what I want, and actually do not know science, scientific laws, math, and understanding of logic in science.

And thus they even fight. Like all low literate could argue and lead into fights. They are criminals from a-z. Low literacy is linked to crime, thats what they are. And they love jobs, to earn.

So, we can doubt who they are.

They are there, they interfered, took rights of people, and do not come to a logic.

  • Ethics problems
  • Human rights problems
  • Science problems
  • Dark Triad problems, which have the sign, do not want to know better, nor care for science, and knowledge, can not go deep, are shallow, abuse, hurt, and want power jobs, and power positions, are delusional of what power is, and take these typical jobs, where they think power is, and do exploitations and human trafficking. So, in one department we see what Dutch are. And we see it in all departments. Its one big crime scene from the start. Using people into a system that will never work, is a scam and is not allowed, not anything scientific correct and thus damaging.

Now they are a good example of all in the childcare, child protection, justice. And in school law.

Dutch fraud even more. Everywhere. And have systems of frauds and use people in it, that will never get help, and can not get out. They are constantly used, abused, and then stuck in that system.

They tell us we can complaint, all they do is fraud even more. They let the system rule by “complaints” , but we get no help. That is no help, then you have told on all, but are still trafficked, abused, exploited and still your kids are stolen, and abused, used etc. And none never had the proper raising and home situation with the parents, and never had the proper ways to science. It is one human trafficking and scam. Exploitations only.

With a use of their political preferences, which lack science, and understanding of what is really needed, and is simply use of people, and trafficking to get their opinions forced on others. It is the biggest crime scene we ever lived in this country. Even the judges fraud, and when you are in that system you see all. But as typical crime scene you never expected them to be this way, and all only gets worse. Then in the end you have seen all departments are the same, and there is this one big logic, they lack science, correct input, and correct processing ways, and are criminals. And because of the hollow a criminal is, the past of their lives was bad. And because Dutch only have this cycle of bad influences and is even forced onto people, there is only the crime scene, low literacy, low GPA, low understanding, abuse, exploitations, and human trafficking, and thus new criminals. Made by them and their system, thus criminal exploitation. And simply all kids back to their parents and these criminals caught, would solve the problem. Kids then are not criminals, and we broke the cycle of x and boom that had that criminal cycle, and only know the crime scene. Why they facade, we had no crime scene, and had better years then them. So, for our grandparents, but they do not even know, they had less good bonds with theirs, and ours were better, never into crimes. Theirs were, also the people they were exposed too.

Ours made it after the war to stay good and to create a better life, and their kids were used and abused in the same bad country and departments, but themselves had parents not in the school law system, not yet schooled, and were schooled at home, as there was the enlightenment and knowledge among parents how to raise kids for centuries. And a good raising, with no hurting, abusing kids, and a childhood. And they added knowledge and let the children be children. Their raising was luckily correct. So, in between the wars our grandparents were born and had a good childhood. And the country was full with inventions and science, science was the norm. So, they had social sciences, and life sciences, language art and math. And had high GPA, and the more american way of a curriculum, and not forget americans are litterly their brothers and sisters, because the family went to america, and some stayed here, but a lot moved in the big moving for some centuries.

And our grandparents remained best friends with many people around the world, population was very small, so they lived more as one, as a family. Where all in that family had science standing high. And right raising. Which was a real good way of raising. Right and wrong was very well understood and correctly interpreted and they would say, we could not fight, because we had life forcing us, and we knew ya would die if you had fights in a home, but you would also die if you were not smart, not studied, and not inventive. You needed to be the smartest, else you were homeless, and many people were homeless. Having a home was a luck, and had a logic. But being homeless had a logic too, all people are just people, and with the biggest chance you lost all, and were homeless.

These grandparents, were not boom and x into drugs, nor the creators of that experimental time. Charlatans did, and now all that “science” is unethical. But remind you of Dutch are old generation, and had until recently a lot of boom, and x. They forget we are ruling in the world with science, but actually our grandparents and that one world with their brothers and sisters. We were raised with science as well, where our schools were made more american curriculum. We had not yet the best way of that. But at least have no fear of it, are not mentally ill of bad schooling, and understand the system of a curriculum, of bachelors degrees system(which older dutch do not have) and of doing more studying and science and getting higher grades. It is still just GPA 0.67 average. Thus a fail in USA. So imagine all before us. And is in between our grandparents and us, where that happened. And those x and boom were used, exploited, frauded, abused and trafficked, so they copy badly that time. Which now even more is not fitting anymore, and proven wrong, and they just refuse to see why. And they think, as they fall for that time, and became criminal, that we will fall. They do not feel the power of science, and being right. They think being right is an opinion. No, science can proof you right or wrong. And these Dutch choose the wrong path, thus never get out of that cycle. And thus target kids and thus abuse them. But these are our kids. And we are these better parents. So, they fraud all to make us look the worst. Many years it was in the news how they abuse young people, they simply abused us already, and now took our kids too. And in those systems that never have the solution to it.

As those are made to earn, and a scam. They cause damage and then the next earns on that damage. They never solve. It is a scam.

So, these at work now, are seeking for power, not science. They fake it, they think, and they try to, to have the job.

But as all dark triad when you break it all down, you see their lacks.

And where they stole their info to look like they made it up. They do not even know to cite, and do not even know science, nor science steps. And just copy some words, and name themselves leaders. They are only at work to get some crimes done.

Which is the typical dark triad, by the books, seeking for power, and thus older people.

As dark triad is especially clear from 45+ of age. The older dark triad gets the worse in crimes they get, and other DSM solves around 45. So, all with DSM is most likely elderly diseases and crimes. And rises, as only dark triad will continue to be worse in crimes. The rest will vanish.

Creating false ways of help.

Even the ombudsmen do not understand their job. Ombudscycles they dont do. They let all complaint, and then take way to much time, and never help with reporting and demanding rights, and never create security and a cop standing up for ya. No, they falsy let you use them, so they have some data for some “science” to expose, sometimes, so it seems they do lots of work. No, they only expose ya case. And create more danger and do not solve by ombudscycle. And let get all out of hand. And then its to late. None had help, all damage is done. They have duty to step in and solve, and all have duty to report all and to force cops to catch thiefs. So, none gets damaged. Science would lead them to that as well, as we must be ethical and correct. And nothing is allowed to damage.

But human rights demand so much, they had duty to report so much and to create this force so all cops catch even wrong judges etc. And all would be correct now if they did, so they have lots of the blame too. All in all fields. In all jobs. And they typically all refuse to look internally in companies and catch crimes at work. They let all become criminals, and a crime scene and do not see how the duty is to stop that.

And I am telling in all fields science, and am bullied, abused by their “lower”, top aint solving properly, and knows nothing about science, and keeps using the jobs to say just “opinions”, myths, bias, political preferences.

I note I am very alone in science, and lots of them have low GPA, and low understanding, and lack a-z curriculum and knowledge in the job, and refuse their position by science, and refuse to solve this. The few others are abused, and used the same way, and their kids too. All kids in general are the target of this government and that alone is against human rights, and an apartheid. It is extremest crime.

They have a system, a few criminal departments, and it needs to be without a lot within there, it needs no jobs earning, as it is crime earning.

They earn same criminal ways, they steal people, money from people, and use it for these jobs they do wrong, and just to have a job, and to have a hand up with someone to get money from.

Because of that it is a crime scene, and you see everywhere users, and taught to be criminal.

And its typical:

  • All generation boom with drugs,
  • and then x abused and now abuser,
  • and then trying us. And the dumbest of all fall. Lowest major only mostly, and some typical power seeking jobs.

Thats the problem. And then they all use another money earning a system of : all strike and get more money, but never solve their fields. So, they put pressure on the gov, for a while, abusing even more people, and the gov never solves, they strike and they get more money, and the abuse got even worse after as that crime is rewarded. And then they strike again and get more money, for more criminal ways. And that way they pushed the scenes at work, into more crimes. And earning through the government. And none solving. Exposing us and our kids to these crimes, and scams.

And all make the country less smart and exploit them even more and even human traffick.

So, we live as prisoners, have no valuable live. And we have the threatlevels abusing us.

  • terrorism
  • extremism/ pedophiles
  • crime at work
  • DSM at work
  • low literacy at work

Core of all low literacy

Human rights they skip, they attrack people from other countries with crimes. And are because of them all on crime scene, our kids exposed to them and the crimes, even all trafficked and exploited, and wrong raising. Duty is something else in the human rights, they refuse to understand as they are criminals stuck in their ways to earn money and using people, and not scientific, not really working, and doing crimes, thus a crime scene, thus no learning.

Peers together leads to crime, and they show it. That is what has happened to them. And they wanted to repeat that on us. But no, time has moved on x and boom, and we are back to no crimes. We are raised with no crimes. Sorry for you, but we have the right that all is done correctly, and you have that duty.

So, during COVID19 please see the faults of the goverment and see all they have done to get to this point. Break it down, and do science on this, and do not fall into being sweet to them, it is dark triad at work.

Note. I dont want to live here for years, like the most of us. And we are trafficked, my kids stolen, and me and my kids wanted to leave all the years of this government, and even before since I was young. So, we were constantly stopped and used and abused, and kept, so they earn. While it is my freedom to leave and a right. But these criminals are at work in the government. There is even more to it, as any person in Holland as been through lots of crimes. The Dutch using them.




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