History of sharing. Now the internet with one big group of leaders and friends.

Jiska Hachmer
4 min readFeb 4, 2020


The Internet is good for people and united. You will find more best friends and the best marriages. But you need to process all the information too. You can more easily find the one, and less easy if you seek in the wrong place, but he/ she is within the same place. So, the learning process is not to be an explorer or find the one in space, as all are at home and online. But you do need to explorer online, and process all the information and possibilities. That can take a while. But you can also accidentally be around the best people and the one faster because you like the same things. And there is no distance as in “reality”. You are there the next second. You can be online shown. So, that person that fits you can find you. You can change it into things you sense are the best ways to express yourself. And you will learn to look better online. All the people can be attracted to that image, also the one you seek. You can work on being your best self, your authentic self, and go deep and express you better. People will get to know you better. You can be in groups with the same interest together. And can turn it all off a moment and be alone, and do things without it. And get smarter, and better, to come back even better. Where you can also use the internet to gain that smartness, and you can also use your ones and friends' ideas to get smarter. So, they see you develop with their ideas. And they see who you become, and they can look whenever they can and like. So, all are at ease.

And all these online people are 1 world, working on 1 big TV-> internet.

All “famous TV hosts”, with followers, and groups, sharing ideas. And everyone joins. Everyone can be on that TV. Everyone has space on that TV. And can learn to get attention on that TV.


  • Youtubers
  • Writers: articles, blogs, ebooks, websites, etc.
  • News
  • Artists
  • Musicians
  • Scientists


All work online, they:

  • Teach
  • Explain
  • Express
  • Show
  • Tell
  • Help
  • Coach
  • Train

They do that with people. It is not a world with no one, and you speak. There is always someone listening. There is also, always a friend.

We all can learn very fast online a lot. And process better a lot, as we can look up how to process better. We can also show right away from our new input.

Academic skills develop online

All the input will push you into output. You will learn.

Speech develops with input, that is processed and recalled and will be output. This is training within the working memory, where speech is. Speech is within the working memory and will develop through in and output. This means input processing and recalling the processed input, and will become output. (Seamon, N.D. )

We can process trends and ideas

All days there are trends, and trending ideas. On that TV we see them.

We can process these ideas and trends, we can look up people helping us with that processing.

We are constantly processing the input all people made.

And create them into our personal preferences and ideas. We can use the information, process it, and be ourselves with that information, and function with that, in our ways. So, we can draw, design, teach others what we just saw. We can speak about it, we can show it, we can express what we feel about it. We can manage it, etc.

We can get inspired and make new things, new music, new products, and new trends.

There is a history of sharing

So, we all have changed.

From being isolated, with just one smarter, bigger, better, and or leader with the people around.

Now together, all leaders of those groups together as friends. One group, one world: humanity.

You can be a part of that, and find the best friends, and best people for all your ideas, also marriage.


Seamon, J. (N.D.) Understanding Memory: Explaining the Psychology of Memory through Movies Wesleyan University through Coursera Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/learn/memory-and-movies

Hachmer, J. (4th of December, 2019) People without the internet will be the biggest problem in society for others and themselves. Lion’s share or aten… Medium Retrieved from https://medium.com/@jiskahachmer/people-without-the-internet-will-be-the-biggest-problem-in-society-for-others-and-themselves-79a4507c037e

