Forced care and experiments are useless.

Jiska Hachmer
11 min readFeb 1, 2020


Forced experiments are useless. We do need to repeat it all, as the criminals at work got out of hand, and crime comes from low literacy. Low literacy is linked to the crime. When the education level goes up, the crime rate drops. We all have ethics duties. Human rights duties. Profession codes duties, which must be in line with ethics and human rights. And are coming from research studies. Not allowed to bend, twisted, abused. And not to pick just one law we like. We must do them all. And we have the duty to encourage all to do ethics. So, we need to repeat it to teach the lower levels, create honor codes and knowledge within them, so they can stop crime. And so we do our duty together. We all have to do the duty. Not one can skip this.

All the data useless

Abused, used people in trials, research, also by services, or gov, no matter with a judge. As in that time, the nazi had “judges” too, deciding, she had to go to “camp”. All is useless. And who studied well, already knows that.

Every job starts with ethics, human rights, most sophisticated ideas, no damaging, and using all the research.

Having scientific, ethical duties, and human rights duties.

You need to at first have all the work into this. The stable foundation, and boundaries to your job.

And the check if profession codes are in line with ethics, science, human rights. And all the work in there, to have all in line with ethics, human rights, and the research.

(Part of that is understanding science, knowing theories are not laws. Understanding the freedom of each human. And the duty to treat children as equals to any person, and help them be heard, help them shape their opinion, and to give all information, and so they can be the individual, but not separated. There is this understanding needed of psychology, and how to let someone be a child, and be individually equal. The equally is a must. The individuality is just there, that is nature, but there is another nature, the child's needs of not being separated. Being the born depending, with human rights, from depending baby, towards many years of becoming totally independent, needing, over time, less of the adults. But will always be having feelings and a personal need, as well. Etc. You need to study that at first a lot. And because this is psychology, you need to have biology and understand sciences at first. We need to fill the mind with knowledge at first. And check all the knowledge of ethics and human rights, and sciences steps, research levels, etc. The correctness of this information needs to be checked, as we also have academic skills, which is also being critical. So, we need to develop ourselves at first, to be able to think. And then to be able to work. Where work at first has this attention to ethics, human rights, and the research. )

You note the crime level and skipping ethics

All can recognize right away the people that neglect ethics. They do the things wrong, and who studied the ethics see the behavior. And we have a duty to act and stop that behavior. No matter who does it.

Jobs with the dark triad, power-seeking jobs

The types matter, who is a criminal will treat the workplace differently. And will seek certain jobs.



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