“Finish the sentence” Question 1. What famous person, or famous object should think of you?

I made these 100 questions, tasks, finishing sentences to find the right friends, employees, and the right spouse, with science. I will answer all of “finish the sentence” too. Note. This article is for 18+.

Jiska Hachmer
8 min readJun 5, 2020

Question 1. What famous person, or famous object should think of you?

note with the question. Make it about real things you did, but as if you are a lifeguard, hero, good person, and smart.

Who could be saying things about me on this, and with that idea?

I love this question, it turned out better than I expected. I made this question with the knowledge on

  • being with self-respect
  • who tears themselves down has more setbacks
  • we need to find authentic sides and secret sides
  • the technique to use a famous person or object distances us enough to find more out on these sides we might have.

Going through the question made me realize how we can think over time about the good things we did in our lives.

I really had to think a while on this question, and it did make me find original ideas about myself. But who or what could have asked this, made it tougher for me. Who could typically say these things? But that tougher side to the question gave me time to think even more on all of it, so, it is good enough to reach the goals the question has, I think.

I choose, Angel Michaël, about life and death. He could determine this about me. I would want him to say this.

The question has a few parts.

If that famous person, or object thinks of you, and you would be a lifeguard what would they say?

She saved, people, not all aware of how, and originally. People can be born with certain DNA, and then, are who they are, and with that change things. Bringing knowledge after living it through…

A lifeguard in life, about what children really are, and teens really are, no child wants sexual abuse, pedophiles are proven abusers, at all times. It has deep value to know what a teen at 3 is, and how not at all it is then a mind of sex. With other kids, not. With older people, not. So, it says when one is a young child and in puberty, that puberty does not cause sexual behavior, itself. The brain needs to develop a lot more to come to the need for sex. We need to be careful it is not only being brainwashed, taught, told to do so.

We need to study on the real reasons people have sex, it is not at all the hormones, as I am living proof. I had puberty since 3. And again since 14. With medicine from 4–8. And in the no hormones phase, sexual feelings grew very slowly. It had nothing to do with the body, not at all. It is all about the brain.

Studying more kids like me, without unethical questioning, just listening when they are adults, and let them tell experiences with the young body and hormones, will help us understand. Young in puberty around 8 has the bias because kids between 6–8 also develop sexual feelings. And that is the brain, nothing pre-puberty, as it does seem that way, but studying people with the puberty and without it, shows, it has nothing to do with it. But can we study them? The body might be made for this development to fit together.

We can also study women and orgasms, they come when they understand it in their minds, not all women come, no matter the body is now fully developed and looks like they should be able to come.

There is a deeper mental understanding before you can have sex, the quality.

Children, might understand at an age, what it vaguely can be, they get sex lessons, know how babies are growing inside mothers, but they do not mentally sex, people. Even periods are at 3, for babies, not for sex. I know that and that knowledge helps others and helps also to stop pedophiles from trying to push boundaries. They love the idea of power abuse and will lie anyway to get kids as if the kids want. It would be brainwash if “they want”. I was not noted with my puberty, none thought of it, as I was 3, thus pre- puberty I had as a baby. None thinks of it. At 14, all assume we want sex. Still hardly any of us, from my age, wanted. Most wanted after 18, and most even regretted they ever tried already, the most wanted to wait even longer. We lived in a time, where we were more respected, and not brainwashed into ideas on sex, X and boom did live a brainwashed life, coming from sects, and churches, institutes, and many rapes and abuses. Choosing “free sex” as the outcome on that bad childhood, and bad teen years. They behaved typical, for all raped kids, borderlines, expanding boundaries, because of that sexual abuse.

At 14, kids do not think that way of sex, normally. (Maybe a few rare, as we all are variations of the norm, but it is not the norm. We were talked about sex way too much and thus kids start to think of it. You could have left it the way it is was left at 3, for me. I was explained to not have sex, that rapers exist, and I was told what babies are and how they happen, and that my body could do that. But it was enough, the typical elementary sexual lesson, biology was enough. Also, your own pleasure was for your own room, so not denied, not punished, but also not told to do, or that you would, but it was allowed, only for yourself, in your own room. If one child would, they would be told. There was no shame, no brainwash, just nature, and variations of the norm, and we naturally behaved and were addressed, but nothing was wrong with this way.)

There is this mental world, besides the hormones, but also a need to have quality sex, also, the grown brain to have sex. The way we need to learn till 28 about things, about being more precise with decisions. Also, how we, the older we get, are better at sex, and sex becomes more logical and has more and more quality. Being good in sex as a teen, has no logic, in nature. That, it all takes time, does. Also, that, it is for yourself, and the rare one you love, and loves back, too.

But, if my one, was living next door, we would have. So, in the end, being raised with the idea of having to find one, is more valuable, and mostly the only value, than the idea periods is sex, that is just never. One, being really young with sexual feelings, is still a strange, or rare thing. It can be both.

18+ is more logical, especially giving all the time the brain needs to become yourself, to find one day, beautiful love, and thus sex if you ever get into that.

Angel Michaël would say: This deeper lifeguard, she is…

And people knew her for that, the secrets, the psychologist, from a young age, for some. Awareness about kids, and real thoughts. Guiding them away from the brainwashes, about sex. Living proof it is not anything like that, actually.

At 3, none thinks of you as a teen, so, I got them all. At 14, they think of sex with you, with their sick minds. And that only gets worse, especially when you do not marry, young, and do not have sex.

Also, as an adult, when you can be alone, and not have sex, people find that weird. It is just their own mind, being weird. It is a brainwash.

There is not much typical, people are more untypical and personal, and themselves, and having their own moments, some late, some early, and it has to be with only who they want.

Some older people, want us to want them and want us to find them as sexual partners. Just never go for that. See them more as wrong.

She did this, something original, as all people do also original things, like lifeguards.

She also saved in ways she does not know yet, she should think more often about it. To find how people save others, in more original ways than one would think at first sight. Life is deeper.

And when you would be a hero what would they say?

She was a hero, standing up for families, standing up for kids, and her own kids. Standing up against violations in human rights. Studying how to stop crime and DSM, and how to design better environments. Telling on all the criminals, and keep telling on them. Not letting them use her, nor her job, not even when they were blackmailing, torturing, stealing her kids.

If you are a good person what would they say?

She was a good person, she refused crimes and criminals, and kept working against it. She helped people, she kept studying on how to create the best ideas to help. And keeps studying to get smarter on all topics she found. She tells on criminals and keeps expanding her work.

And if you are smart what would they say about you?

Yes, she is smart, she has high grades cum laude, all together, in all her studies. She studied a lot. Also, on how to study, and teaching, and educational psychology, and designs of how to study best. That is smart because that made her smart in studying, too. Made her “smarter”, more knowledged in more subjects, trying to learn more subjects, to find out what the thought is behind it, how people created the studies, and what could be right or wrong in the fields, so we can change that, and manage the study fields better.

She was smart to study human rights, ethics, sciences, SEL, and a lot more important things one always should start with.

And found the design to stop crimes and DSM.



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