Finally found a way of a free website: Free website and own domain name and AdSense!
You can have your free website and earn.
I looked a long time online for solutions. I have some cheap NameCheap domain names, worth each 450 dollars, but bought for 1 euro, so, I want to earn. These promising domain names I want to use, with adds. I want to see what will come from this.
Now, I found it: Blogger, NameCheap and AdSense.
Blogger has a free option to connect your domain name, and AdSense.
Done. That fast!
My website, I used blogger, NameCheap, and put the cname in the DNS of namecheap, and waited 24 hours and here is the website.
Try this too! Good luck!
N.D. (1/26/2015 12:50:00 PM Monday, January 26, 2015) How to Setup Custom Domain on Blogger with Retrieved from