Human rights and the system we need.

Jiska Hachmer
21 min readMay 18, 2020

It is already set.

But you need to understand it deeply, to get all in the right positions. You need to understand what human rights are and the ombudscycle should do, and how we must stop mistakes, to never happen again, and that we can. Then, you see how to set the world is and the rules to live.

We are not allowed to make the things we found as mistakes as a market, to continue the mistakes so it now gives us income. We must still get the criminals gone. And not make a new world, full of crime, where we all profit from the criminals, doing “mistakes”. We must work towards we never have criminals again. And with formulas that are true, scientific laws.

You can not have one case with the mistake, but also not hundreds, all with the same mistake done by someone in society, and then others just work around it. All they all must is work on getting the mistake away right now. Not just another system, that would make it all crimes, as you are aware new people will fall into this, again and again, and now you earn on this too.

When you find the mistake it has to be gone, right away.

The ombudscycle even keeps working after the mistakes are solved, and forever, it never stops.

Learn here more about this

Because the world has people, we need to know certain things…

You will work with people. And your job must be correct. You can not work for criminals, nor with criminals, nor, all you do can be a mistake.

You need to understand:

  • development
  • management
  • laws, children’s laws, and human rights, also ethics
  • sciences

People become and we can let them become good people, that are authentic, autonomous, themselves, unique, variations of the norm, mature, equal, and good people. Jobs are made for that only, actually. And not to interfere, rule, use, tell, put on. All is meant that all have their own preferences, will, and own lives, and are never owned, never from the state, or other people, they are living in the extension of their own home, and with their own will, preferences and born with the human rights, with also the right to join and not to join and to be who they are.

Learn about this:

We can set such a world and that is our duty.

And according to human rights governments only duty, thus, the more punishable they are, when they did this wrong and did not work according to this freedom.

They must be able to do all people of the world, equally, no matter where they live, every country must deliver the same good setting. It is not much different, the gov is a local thing, that gives, but that has to be the same things all are given, and not to make all “equal”, where we give all the minimum of the world, an average, no all must get the best, no matter who they are.

The human always the same, homo sapiens. All are variations of the norms, and all will turn out good with the right input. So, the only focus of the governments is delivering human rights, ethics, sciences, empathy, truth. And if you understand all clearly, you understand it is giving the scientific laws, absolutes, the real absolute needs. Not just what one's opinion just is, for all, as a fascist, there is a need for these basic needs, human rights, ethics, sciences, there is this the people need this, for real, absolutely. So, there can be formulas made with outcomes for if we do not, and if we do.

Thus when one country denies gravity, we all understand that problem, that is impossible, untrue, we all live with gravity. Same, for food, all need varied healthy food. And drinks, not one country can deny the people need water and food, or choose one of these, all people need this. That is what the governments only are for, so all people get all.

So, fascists stand out easily, all crime does. They do not care much to do human rights, very precisely. They see slaves and see themselves, self-entitled bosses. They can not see all as equal, and can not see what all need.

That human rights exist, makes them want to bend them, they can not find the logic in them.

Recognize them.

Skipping Human Rights are one of the early signs, they do not do them correctly.

From top to down, we need…

1. Wiser judges, with understanding that they are not the need.

And nothing should end there, with them. Also, they are not allowed to let it end there. So, in a good functioning world, there should be new jobs for them. The same way as lawyers must say what the real route is and do that, and stop court trials, and should not end all days in the courts, not at all.

The point is, to do the right route.

Do not have trials, simply because these people have studied, such. They can not have the bias to let all go there. They must stop all court cases easily, that is the real job. The forcing of the real route is their jobs.
And knowing why these people starting cases are unlawful, and how to punish that. And free all families, and kids from these cases, against them.

But they focus on courts and do them more and more, so, they need people pushing this all back, to how it should be done.

They have to jail the judges, that direct all to court, and also, when those do opinions, different routes, lack human rights, etc. There is lots of work to do, that is true, but it must lead to never cases again. Which has to become zero work too, with only left the ombudscycle, to forever stop this.

2. And all worked on these cases, all before this, all working people before them, should already be this good, we never get to lawyers.

So, there must be the push away from courts, by everyone, that is even a duty, and do help all the people, and not by social workers, as they are no lawyers, but with the force to get it out of the courts.

3. Where the core is, parenting, is for yourself, alone without interference.

Thus the people interfering must be jailed. They even fraud, use false information, and simply lie, so, there is the duty to transfer those people to crime law, and to set families free.

4. And the deepest core when it is about children, is hearing the child, yourself. No one else.

The lie you do bad at that is not good enough. There are more routes to solve this, without any interference. A child learns from people. People learn from people, thus when you end up in courts, you lacked profession, to solve the lacks. You think force will help, will solve, to reach your opinions, with a judge in your favor. Favors are not allowed in court. It is administrative, precisely, what the law says, and why, and according to human rights, ethics, sciences, and with empathy.

It is mainly very fascistic in cases in court. That is not allowed. The court is not to decide, you must decide, the court is only made for that, administrative way, to ensure that.

People attempt something else there. An example: criminals you leave with cops, you continue life, perhaps live on a safe address, and heal yourself, but you leave it there. As there must be true evidence found, of a real crime done. Still, you need to continue, even when they never catch them.

Any other court, is also, about the precise administrative reason why you could go to court, only if a law is not done properly. But that can not be vague, something one finds, it has to be real, and very precisely proven and detailed explained, with the real law articles. Any pretending is unlawful. So, you should still never get to courts, as the country must have all solved already. When a worker is wrong, it needs to be caught right away in their jobs, not by a judge. And because the worker is wrong, it is a crime. It already is that this has to go to court because it should not.

So, the dutch “jeugdwet”, “ots”, “uhp” cases, are all unlawful. The same way we also know scientifically done wrong. Unethical too. Without empathy too.

All kids should never be in court, the people are not allowed to interfere, nor lie. The law is even made to protect families from this. The weakest sentence, oh because we interfere it is lawful, is a trick in speaking, but the even more clearly unlawful. Anyway, you always still must do human rights, which are never these cases, them all done wrong. From a-z. And pretending this is a logical way. It is also, threatening people, that these unlawful ways are used, and a lot, lately. It should not even be possible. Lots of things are not possible in court, and these things also, not. They pretend it is.

“Let's tell the child what to do”, that is unlawful, already.

Plus against all sciences, ethics, etc. Also, to interfere in the homes of the families, and pretend they are not the extension of the child, the parents decide with the child, they help the child get their will done. The big lie they pretend is none does that, while all do, but the local gov does not want to do it their way thus come with these abuses, and stealing kids away, to simply get their own opinions done. Which is the biggest crime dutch ever saw, done to kids and families.

Fascists are just never allowed, no matter the facade.

Bad parents too, they are, thinking to earn money this way. As these people sometimes have kids themselves, while doing these criminal jobs, to look better than the rest?!? As they do not, they look like the worst only, not capable, to solve, they need judges to earn money, and actually never solve things, they only use victims, they make seem bad as if these parents ever did something wrong.

While all know how illegal this is. It is like Hitler and his followers, really did we all believe those workers were than ok, by following criminals? No, never. So, they show with this behavior of following wrong people, and not stopping crimes at work, that when more crime jobs are available they would take it, and perhaps if those bosses can make the work sound like powerful jobs, and perhaps when done by the gov. They show to be sect minded.

And to skip any law. They are a dark triad, feeling entitled, while at the same time, they know because they do all against all laws, they come across as criminals right away, thus none can cooperate with them, but is also not allowed to, we have a duty to turn them in. But they use that against us as if we must work with them, criminals.

They are the total, every typical crime look. They look like TV thieves, like any other at the door seller, with crimes, but then steal kids, with lies. The harder they lie, the more money they get, and the kids of the families. Then they, run to court, with the frauding laundry at court, and all lies are written down, and no real law allows them, but they pretend that is what that family law says, while even that says not so, they do use one law of it. So, when all is done falsy, they, even more, skip all human rights duties, which also have to protect all families against this. So, mainly they are all laws skippers, and fraud you did not do the law.

A bit like this, and only like this. Scammers.

Lying to get kids and money.

There are no worse parents, and more mentally ill, than these, using these illegal systems.

As if they are legal, and pretend as if this is allowed, they did not read the law, and did not understand is, is also, not allowed, they had to do all according, and precisely to human rights, and this all is not the human rights, but against them, and to go around them. They use laws, that are not allowed, and the people must be jailed, for creating such a system, and for using it.

Bandura kids

They behave themselves as these…

And what they show our kids, and what they show their own. And what has been shown to themselves, when they were little, and vulnerable to this still as an adult.

Also, this.

And that shows a time they are coming from. A group with such bad past, they actually still fall for this. A brainwash they still carry, making them vulnerable to do the wrong things at work.

They have trouble standing up for kids, with the real kid's laws. They mainly never studied them.

Where people want to put their opinion onto others.

The way a good doctor teaches you to listen to your child, as the first thing you do, since the baby is born. That is no opinion. That is also, not a professional opinion, as Dutch lie, any profession can have opinions, no, they only have research, and that is not yet total truth or truth. And still, all must be your will, as mainly all is a religious type of research opinion, where the absolute truth is not found yet. There is nothing different when you with children stand beside experts, still, nothing rules, they lie that is allowed. They place “the proof” wrong. They even have the duty to protect you from this and understand these proves are no absolutes and still not allowed in your life, as you never approved it. They lack the understanding of and this nature of learning, and the human rights, to protect you, from all these people that want to teach, and explain, and be expert, as you have your rights to do yourself and your opinions. And that is very absolutely and written down as the human rights laws. There is no choice in it, but the child must get their will, the parents are the extension of the home, and criminals you leave to cops. There is no room in human rights, to create another route to earn money on families, that would be slavery. Duty is freedom, and your will must be done. Same all education teaches you, if some not, those are illegal, they would be against human rights. The goal of human rights is your will, your preference, and only thing gov can demand is you help with the one duty all have to get the human rights done, thus you will be done, but none is allowed to force anyone to show their opinion, etc. One duty, to get the human rights done, means not to make them slaves, order them to work, decide for them, rule them, etc. Human right is way more about freedom, that some won't, and thus those criminals fraud and use the judges wrongly. But the duty is, and even everyone’s one and only duty to do human rights. Thus the rights of these families and kids, they, must do. That law is made so none can fraud and pretend other routes, or duties that are not allowed. So, all kids must be home, and none is allowed to create “jeugdwet”, “ots”, “uhp” and they do not serve the human rights, those pretending it does even needs jail. As that is a crime. Apartheid it is, as well, discriminative, fascism, etc. It is nothing near human rights. It is one of the Dutch biggest crimes in history, to create discrimination of kids, and use mindfuck, dark triad ways to get apartheid and twists in society, in human rights. And we all have the duty to stop this, and now, and not tomorrow, or any day later.

All the real doctors do, is show you how you can learn to hear the child. No fascism ever there. All professions are just studies, they have no right to tell you things you must do. You even have the right to die.

Also, when the baby is not on monitors, they explain, and how you hear them on monitors. Good ones, help you develop an instinct to hear your child's needs. And how to be most safe with the baby. There is the logic that you need to do, and they can tell you, and telling you is part of the job, but not a treat, or else. There is this difference between fascism, self-chosen teachers, and everyone logically, fittingly helping you achieve your nature, and to your will.

There is logic to all doctors to tell what we should do with babies. There is the logic you are gonna do that, too.

But there is the detailed nature, where it is not forced, but a logic to create the right environment, where you have time for the child and can hear the child. And the explanation you hear the baby best, etc.

So, when doctors are tempted to follow the government when they enslave people and the real work changes because of that, into a wrong talk, and explanation, it leads to not hearing the child. And leads to the total crime, of all workers, working together in a crime, to get a crime done by the parents, the child is abused by this. So, they are criminals, then. Exploited criminals, but still criminals, and not allowed.

Therefore you can understand force is already not what should happen here. Nature should happen, that is the job of all in the environment. No matter the job.

  • So, the ombudscycle is about the nature of things, and how jobs say the right of wrong things and cause the crimes done, or solve.

At the bottom, the parents need the space to be parents.

And need to feel their own feelings, who does not feel a parent, is not one. And that has to be not done with abuses, crimes, frauds, influences, and changing the real person, it has to be their own truth if they are or not. The core of human rights is, if all is done well, you will sense who you are, and will decide naturally what you want, and will do all good, for all. So, the only work is to do human rights well.

So, all in this environment that created the parents, leads to good or bad parenting.

Same for all these kids, one day they are parents, and the government is at fault, with their bad systems, creating crimes and criminals, that will have an outcome.

We can make everyone aware and seek truth within themselves, make all smarter. Easy to find information. Not forced, or as bad influence, or as a brainwash, etc. But as always there, the truth, that can be found by yourself, in a natural true way, where you can sense it is a brainwash or truth.

So, the core of all, for all people is:

Their own rights.

Human Rights and awareness all are born with children’s / human rights. And all have to help you achieve that, but you live in the extension of the home, and with your own world, and thus rights, which are equal rights. They do not need to gain influence, they count right away since you are born.

Sensing truth

Your own senses, for you, only. Your own development, and attention to child development. Where the kids develop, their senses, themselves, their brains, the things they can do, and on their own pace, and with their own preferences, and with the goal to join or not to join.

And sensing truth.

The scientific method, and in a natural way. Where the child learns how the child finds their own truth. Their opinion, without bias, without influences, without others, and with the right input, and where they autonomous can find that. And how to check all information, and all data, and all science already done. So, the opinions, and all ways people can develop opinions. And the research, what is research, detailed and precise. How can the child do that themselves? This is done from early on. When a child wonders.

The first wondering is science. You can make it easy to be wondering, questioning, and at your own pace, and with no interference, push, telling what to wonder, to let it be their own discovery and preference, but without neglect, thus interacted, and helping to find all information, and they process themselves, and can use themselves, and check themselves.

But all naturally, from the extension of the home, where the child can be themselves, and wonder, when they wonder, and get the information when they need, thus when they find they need that. Where that addresses automatically the mind, over time, and at their time. But will become naturally a logic, as there are experiments done, the child can copy, and can learn the scientific laws, too. And can add, when they want, and over time, their own science to the research data, of the topics they study on.

All their own will, and preferences, and a natural way of development, and studying. Where they learn to find their truth, and research truth, and add hypothesis and experiments they find to answer to the questions they have.

So, the process of finding the truth works. And they actually will constantly find the truth. When you have let the child say no, too. And do only what they want to join, and as long as they want, they can find who they are, and say no, to what does not serve them. And can be friendly, when others say no. They can find the truth, too. And have their own nature with this, and understand the scientific method, besides the natural way of finding the truth, which is the same in the end.

So, they learn to name the things they do, anyway, into a system, as well, so they can work with people, and do the same things, as others. Understanding they need a curriculum comparison when they work with others, and for others, and how to measure their own levels, of study.

There is no slave — boss bond, ever. The child is able to find the truth and can be a working person, someday with this. And all the times of the day, able to live their own true life, where they are themselves, and seek their own preferences, interests, and truths, and can work on that, themselves. Very maturely.

And without interference, but no lack of interaction. So, like friends, carrying, engaged, loving, wanting to hear the child, and help them achieve.

This is already the duty, but who understands this?

One that sought power, and forgot to study sciences, scientific method, empathy, human rights, had no good childhood themselves, thus does not know natural raising and the logic of healthy raising, which is authoritative raising, only? No.

We need to work on human rights, and people not understanding them, because they seek jobs too. And they are not allowed to work, only when they need to sense correctly what working is. And we need to work on how to get the entire work field correctly, and without fascists, etc, so all develop, all are getting their rights, and truths, and empathy and sciences, and can be.

The judge is not the place where we should end, ever.

You have to be wiser, and wonder why we end up there? Things went wrong somewhere else when we get here. And a judge, can not be someone that just decides to get a decision done. No, it must be absolute truth, the way scientific laws are, the formula, the answer. And it has to be your truth. It is your rights, they think about. They have a duty to help you achieve. But without interference. And have duty to protect you from interference.

And, the job assumes, none could know absolute truth themselves, thus they will judge, to decide something? That is not possible, as the route before the court, had to deliver the right answer to all formulas already.

There is freedom as well, so what gets here, would not be helped correctly, and not before this court case.

Someone disagrees with an outcome is not enough an answer, it disagreed because… ?

Something in that life was not delivered right. The jobs were not done right, or not good enough. So, there is work to do, for workers. To be better.

Did they have an absolute truth? And one the judge can rule on? And why couldn't the worker not get that absolute truth get across? It seems not logical, in a good society. What are these thieves? Frauds, dark triads, liers, why are they here? One of them lies?

Then a judge can actually not judge. As it is not a lier finder. A judge assumes there is a choice to make, one different than people agree on. One will not agree. And now the administrative duty comes to help you get your rights.

But the work they do not understand, normally none disagrees, as scientific law, is very absolute. So, how did one disagree with an absolute? So, we had a law here, that was not true? Against human rights? The entire country had said something else through the phone, too, as all call all helplines? The helplines said…? And why is it not delivered? What company failed to be inline with the govs laws?

There is a lot more to it than we all need a judgment, we do not. We all can judge for ourselves. So, this has to be a government judgment, when a law is misunderstood? What was wrong with education about the law? And the campaigns? Unclear? Something was not clear enough, and not easy to solve, not easy enough. You, still, had to never end up in court, someone failed.

Everything actually has such a case, and when one thinks a judge can help, that is when they go. So we see groups using judges because they are there all the time, know what to say to win, to get things done, and mostly from many people, they even pretend it is the same case as the many before they send to the court, so the one they put in court now, actually never gets a fair judgment. It is just based on belief and the knowledge they always win or not, so they use this option or not. There it lost what the judges are for, so you get your rights, you get your will done. You, your human rights, your will. And the protection so you get that will you have.

That only would be really happening if the courts are hardly used, the laws are highly studied, and all worked hard in the country to get all done easy and correct, and normally none gets to the judge, and the judge would be catching thieves, and only when there is proof, and handles this within their mind the right punishment for this behavior, so the behavior now stops, after this punishment.

Where punishment is actually never a solution unless the person can not be with other people, because of a danger they cause.

Real changes in people we never solve this way. It has the same bottom line, what happened? What is done to the person, now a thief? Bad schools, bad govs in the past, bad environment? Why did that one now become a criminal? And uses court?

So, we need to teach better, so all need no tickets and no jails, and are no criminals.

What is the right environment for that? That we must study, and do.

To be fair, the goal is to find the mistakes and change them so, none ever again is criminal. So, there is an effective Ombudscycle, needed, in reality. Check on all, what went wrong? What really? Did we dig deep enough?

And go down from this “top” which should be not having any job, when all is done well, that is what this comes down too.

And they should be working on not letting it end with them, so they earn. Not with lawyers, they should not be needed too.

All the people equal. The ones you hire not more than the others, but able to do the work best, is what all comes down too than there is not much to do, all is already done correctly.

So, lots of spare time, hardly a judge, no interference, and no crime is a sign of a good country.

