Ethics faults: Dutch traffick kids away from parents doing the laws. These traffickers do not want us to follow real laws and routes. The Dutch did not want what I have studied, but it is no opinion, it is a must.

Jiska Hachmer
13 min readDec 26, 2019


Because the Dutch (not the normal families who are abused and their kids and themselves trafficked) are so authoritarian on one hand, they feel attacked. They expect I mean this as authoritarian. But it is not, this is science and knowledge forces. If they had understood they had studied and done all correctly, not in the fraud way they do schooling, and would have had everything perfect and precise and would not fear anything and just add real science, so we all would then just use only the real science.

And on the other hand, they are just criminal, and on another hand, low literate thus not understanding.

Together with all hands criminals because of the low literacy, with a thesis and no research thesis, especially not on high levels, and willing to create all to the will, which is not developed correctly.

With a low GPA, and low input, and therefore not processed well, and thus not good output.

Striving for something we all already know is not allowed, is unethical and ill.

Causing Damage.

The core of the country

This is the core of the country, and these abusers, users, criminals with low literacy and thus such crime scene at all jobs in this country, from baby until adulthood and working life all within a crime scene. Not the right way, thus a core of people that are raised this way.

They want to abuse, and want such core, and strive for that with fraud, and all crimes and even human trafficking of all our good kids.

To brainwash and abuse them, and create in an extremist way different kids than what we raised. As parents were all fine, but these hijacking the kids not.

They told me what they demand since I wrote about the only allowed approach with children: authoritative raising.

All mad, especially about authoritarian, they want to hit kids. This is by law not allowed since 1800 in the Netherlands, so, they forget we found a huge group of criminals, being abused, else they would not be able to come up with such thought, but left us with the real work, putting them into jail. And checking all jobs for authoritarian, and change them into only authoritative raisers, approachers.

So, not allowed is also authoritarianism.

Of course, we have that in this country, because DT is created by their bad youth and childhood, and is mostly in those typical jobs and this way. They want their way. They exist, as they were in their childhood created to be this way, and thus live and took our kids, as they find that weird. But again, it shows us their illness. And the work on them, especially to protect all families against such hijackers, simply wanting other people's kids for their ill mind.

So, we need authoritative governments only, everywhere around the world.

That is real science. It is proven the only good way to raise people, and to approach people, thus we must.

And check all these workers in Holland on their motives.

They lived with school fraud, care fraud, and now copy this onto all they can grab. And they try to expand, and with lies to just simply win. But what they win? Only spreading more illness they win. And exposing themselves publicly as ill people.

So, they created from an ill mind OTS UHP we name that. Which is only human trafficking, and against the real laws that still count, and to go around the real laws, and to be lawless and put all they want on people, and traffick people, with the signature of a judge. That skips the entire family law book and only names one article, which is not allowed to be used, as the entire book first needs to count, they most likely never even read the entire book nor understand it. Plus they must be in line with ethics, human rights, and all laws per situation, per child, which mostly never allows them to say anything as judge, like when there is already another route, that judge must decide if it is already a case for that judge, which mostly is not, as there is nothing wrong in most cases, the workers just want their opinion, while in science that is not allowed, nor in any job, nor in any law. An opinion is unethical, against our profession codes and all laws, at work we have not an opinion, but research thesis and hypothesis and there only scientific laws can count as laws, theories still change. So, all cases must be judged by the parents themselves, all cases. If there would be a real danger, there would be already a law. For example, if a child must not eat poison, and a parent would give a product classified as the poison it would go to the cops and their judge, which is not the same judge. Then, you have jail time, etc. Family law is not there. If products would be dangerous there is another route, which can not be done with a family using an allowed product. It then if your professional research thesis opinion is this should not be allowed a route with the ministeries etc, to create a law, to stop to use these products, which have several routes for that.

The law must first be made, you can not take families and punish them by taking their kids when not crossing any law. Dutch do, and they use the family law to just take anyone, and pretend all these families are wrong, and with lies, while it is not the case, and there was another route the worker had to take, the official real route they skipped and abused and trafficked families, to earn, and to accuse to earn. But all is false, as you understand this too.

They do this with anything, just any opinion. So, if I make up an opinion I can go lie and get anyone ‘s kids away. This is against human rights and laws.

All families must even by human rights be totally protected from this, plus the judges, workers, etc must be punished. That is real law.

These criminals just do not feel like that.

Example of what a wrong worker does

So, I studied hard on all research, I only speak truths, and still need to do the real route, I can not take all families, let us say a million people to court because my opinion is… and then take their kids, so new families will do my wishes. No, there is still lawful, ethical, human rights etc, so I must still do the normal way of changing all lives. And, most likely all my requests will be rejected in the normal route. So, these workers wanted simply a short route. To just rule.

So, if I want all these families to take my medicine, which would be in stage 1, so, not even sure if good for mice, I would take a million people to court, if I had such time, and pretend this is best, and take their kids cause they do not cooperate, I lie they are mentally unstable, they lose the kids and the kids eat things not even mice are allowed to use.

Cause Dutch do not care about the real route, I would get my way, have false papers, and signatures, and would not even be asked, I would get “my right” the judge would lie.

This must stop, so the world must step in, as I studied too hard, and am aware this all is huge trafficking and with huge criminals.

They lie, oh we only demand scientific proven care, no not at all, in science its first of all not proven they do right things, that all social workers just made up without real science, it's just made up vague courses they put onto them, which is same as such product in stage 1, not at all to demand as well, cause if we had to do vaccines, for example, we first need a law then we can say you parents had to. Now they force them, while no law is made for that.

Especially these made-up courses are like religion, and religion is free, not allowed to be forced on. They force them onto ya.

Then, now discovered they lie, no we only demand psychologists, that is the same, no law that you must, and in research not at all a law as well, but like religion, and with some research, but no scientific law, nor a normal law, thus not allowed to demand. Etc.

So, I do not ever want to be seen with these frauds, it is like gay in electroshocks, already years declared unethical. Thus punishable, thus we must punish all these lawyers, child protectors, social workers, care workers in any care type, and all judges, as these frauds extremely. Also, the cops working with these criminals. And the local and national government.

They even had to study and had to say exact same words as me. There is no opinion, this is a duty in science, ethics, human rights.

So, we must address each person in Holland.

  • Stop this system and the “ots/ uhp” and “jeugdwet”, as they traffick, skip real routes and laws, and force without real laws, they just made the law we are allowed to force anyone to anything we want, which is a crime. Plus its a discrimination of children, while dutch signed children's rights, thus must even protect from these things, but the civil rights, does not do children's laws in holland, so they need to be jailed for lying that they do, as they have signed, thus must.
  • They must be jailed for not doing duty in ethics, science laws, research laws, scientific steps, etc.
  • Also for their entire degree fraud. Most do not even hold the a-z route diploma s of the real degree system. The USA would not be able to give them any degree, as they also even have F grades. But compare the “degrees”, most do not even have a bachelor, nor really a comparison, but dutch lie they do. Then see their GPA too, really F grades are average, thus not even allowed to give them any degrees. They just did, but they are not comparable, and thus damage people. They do not even know academic skills. The thesis, research thesis, a hypothesis is already very strange to them. They only have opinions and abuse of power. It is a huge crisis.
  • They must be jailed for skipping profession codes and choosing the fast route with criminals. While they have to know better, that is the real profession code. We must be correct, and these are not. They even use families and vulnerable children, as every child is vulnerable, they also lack to protect. And teach them the wrong ideas about work and science. They just skip it, but are therefor also the wrong example and cause crimes and DSM among the people.
  • They need to be taught how science really demands, and all the laws, like ethics and human rights, etc.
  • It needs to be treated as human trafficking, as they traffick daily kids with lies away from their parents.

Per working person, we need to map their:

  • mistakes in tasks
  • personell/ personal problems

And the first people we need to jail and check on:

  • Judges, government, local and national
  • social workers, child protection, VT (as the name it VT), youth care, and people working with the youth law, and with the government money for care, also, any care, like doctors, psychologists, etc
  • And all the places they keep kids, schools, foster parents, foster care, any institution, also all wards, hospitals, etc.

Then we need ombudscycles

We need teams per case. Per fault, and per case, and per any detail that could be wrong.

The Dutch need to know what real crime is, and solve all the crime at work


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