Eating for under 100 dollars a month

Jiska Hachmer
2 min readNov 4, 2019


I wrote about this before in Dutch. People are more poor, each year, in Holland. And it was one of the most read topics I wrote in Dutch on as Chippies.

Because most people live with 2 euro a day or less, it is a topic for the entire world. How to eat healthy with families under 100 a month?

These days lots of information is on Youtube.

A collection of video’s on the topic.

1 Dollar a day.

Nathiel, D. (N.D) I Ate For $1 A Day (Full Week) Retrieved from

LivingBobby (19 mei 2018) LIVING on $1 for 24 HOURS in NYC! Retrieved from

And keep watching him, also his next video’s, he has more days for 1 dollar.

1 pound a day

London Hacks (1 apr. 2018) London Hacks — Living on £1 a Day | #1 Retrieved from

He has more days for one pound too. So, keep watching his movies after this one.

1.50 per day and Vegan

Caitlin Shoemaker (5 mei 2017) What I Ate On $1.50 a Day // Budget Friendly Vegan Meals (Days 1–3) Retrieved from

My tips. For healthies cheapest meals.

Start every meal with what vegetables you want to eat, and eat a half plate of vegetables, fill the plate, with meat, starch. Or instead of the starch for Keto with cheeses, diary, healthy fat. And if Vegetarian with extra beans, like brown beans. And if both, eat lots of beans, and choose vegetables with more proteins. (Whitbread, 2019)

Drink the cheapest vegetables/ fruit juices. Some stores have them for 1 euro per liter, others per a half liter.

Collect fruit/ plants outside and on places where you are allowed to pluck. Learn about plants in the wild you can eat.

Grow your own plants and fruit to eat, in your garden, or indoors.

Buy cheapest fridge vegetables and fruit, and so you’ll always have them. And so you can buy once a month a lot of them, and the cheapest, and eat varied all month, till it’s out. And it is cheap but still as healthy as fresh. Only a pregnant woman shouldn’t eat from the fridge and only fresh, for listeria.

Buy cheapest tomatoes, like the peeled tomatoes in a box or can. And eat lots of “fresh”/ real tomato soup.

When you buy cheapest soup boxes, with all kinds of veggies mixed, look at the number of vegetables in it, the highest amount of vegies for the least money, and least added anything else is the best.

References. Whitbread, D. (2019) Top 10 Vegetables Highest in Protein USDA Nutrition Data Retrieved from



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