Easy way to spot care fraud in the Netherlands, using systems like a “kids star”.

There is a priority in psychology when we diagnose DSM. We first look at the person bringing in the kid for a diagnosis, or the person that brings in another person. What is their motive. We also look at the environment, everything outside the person that could have caused “DSM”, we first need to fix that. Then, we see if the person might have DSM. Then, the tests only decide if one has DSM if all points are agreed on by the person that thinks to have DSM, there could be DSM. The tests are made to have proof a check of what the person says, and how to think of that, according to science research ( Joordens, N.D.).

Jiska Hachmer
5 min readDec 26, 2020

Still, it is a lot of times based on theories, and cultural ideas, thus not factual truth, yet.

In science, only the absolutes are the truth, the scientific laws, and they come from a long process of scientific research, and hypotheses tested, and all outcomes together into a story that is proven correct, including a math formula. Now, this would always be true for everyone, at all times, like gravity.

Then all the scientific laws together explain our functioning, world, and universe.

Science is seeking natural functioning and nature in things. You always seek the true feasible nature in things, and in the end, the absolute proof for this.

Read more about the ombudscyle for the Dutch “kids star”.

It is like a Jew star, and apartheid, different services, a secondary world, an abusive system with only care fraud. It is the way criminals go around the true rights, laws, and make kids and families into slaves, with a way like illegal adoption, making files “sound”, but when you are a true studied and professional person you recognize the many things violated, and done wrong, and not ethical and not allowed. It does not only violate Human rights, and kids' rights, which are the same, but includes duties for adults. It violates equality, it is discrimination by age, also religion, and in education, care, freedom, personal choices and ideas, and a lot more rights violates, also EVRM article 8, for the parents, and kids, also, the 12+ rules, and duty to always interpret kids correctly, even when they are babies they are competent and must be interpreted correctly.

In that system, even the existence of it is a threat all moments in life, as they suddenly steal kids, with lies, no true route, to deny the routes and to abuse, human traffick, and violate all the rights for families and kids, there is no psychological safety.

It is not the thing psychologists are allowed to join or do or use. We have a totally different route that is a duty, and all our care is authoritative. Also, the theories are in science no absolutes truths. The scientific laws only are. So, we do not only have just long rows of crimes and human rights violations, and a way criminals only use to human traffick and exploit, like care fraud, also attempting to change the real routes, laws, and rights. With their illegal reasoning, a child is not competent, or sometimes not, which is at any time illegal to think. We have also, this own religion, own theories we use, which are now violated, as if they know better and the truth, while they actually completely know they do not hold the truth, yet.

They have no right to downgrade and pretend they know more, they do not know the truth, yet. Their work is still like a religion, a choice. It is even like someone with a strong belief in one religion, that suddenly wants to control the others with that religion as if we only should do that route that one person thinks is true. It is an illness to use this system, and a criminal more attracted to this route than healthy ones that seek other ways of earning in care, with the correct routes only.

There is a lot more to say on this, and thus there is an ombudscycle to solve this, and to protect anyone in the future from the same situation.

This priority also leads to the worker's checks, checking all workers, placing all workers, their criminal ideas, their DSM, and all personal problems.

The same way with priorities and checking who says what with what motive, etc. It is based on absolute truth-finding, and a complete view, the way ethics, is demanded to be true and complete, it is also a court order, to only come with the real truth and to be complete in the Dutch courts, which does not happen at all, thus, is the first focus, to set all straight, so no case is done wrong “Duty to do to court cases with honesty and completely — Artikel 21 Rv” (Maxius, N.D.).

At all times, we also must have no court cases, it is a human right to not have court cases, at all, all must be perfect already, so no one ends up there. No one is allowed to drag everyone to court to try to get their human rights violated, it has a lot more to it even.

Duty families and kids to live free from these workers, and routes they plan and care only authoritative.

Then, the families are not in the same situation to be checked on, it is for workers to be perfect, families to be free, also free from these workers, even when they are found healthy, it is still not allowed to start these cases, and it has many violations, thus loss of sovereignty at the same time, thus only ends in tribunals.


So, the focus must be on solving DSM and crime at work, and to let families and kids in privacy, without interfering, forces, nor influences, in the authoritative approach of care.

Thus we must see no cases, no violations, no routes denied that are the normal correct routes, and have the focus on all requesting “care”, outside the kid's, and families will.

We must see all human rights done right, and the puzzle done correctly and completely, so we only have the correct ways and routes, and total freedom for families and kids.

Where there is no same focus, there is the families and kids in an authoritative way, and workers demanded, as they attempt violations, and should not have that work anyway, also, have no rights. It is also unethical, incorrect science, and many mistakes in thinking.


Joordens, S. (N.D.) Introduction in Psychology. The University of Toronto through Coursera. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SSCVV3hXx8

Hachmer, J. ( 25th of December, 2020) Dutch ombudscycle systems creating a“kids star”, making apartheid between kids and adults in systems, which is violating human rights, its a discrimination, while all kids are competent and equal. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/ombudscycle/ombudscycle-kids-star-making-apartheid-between-kids-and-adults-in-systems-which-is-violating-27b6eaada0dd



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