Earn free bitcoins with musicoins
We all have a wallet with musicoins. See the market of coins here: https://dovewallet.com/en/trade/spot/music-btc
Here my songs I uploaded…Listening is free, every minute you get a free coin to spend on artists. You can also send us money, musicoins.
My own songs I made during my Berklee College of Music studies, and my covers. My covers you can also find on N1M, and spreakers.
See the main page.
This song of mine got a tip of 1000 musicoins.
No matter how you sing, we all listen… and you earn btc/ musicoins.
Pascal Guyon, my mentor, multi-nominated Grammy award producer gave us all this tip of musicoins, he earns there too.
Online secrets
The moment you upload things on youtube, social media, n1m, musicoins, etc people hear you and tell you all kind of things, all kind of online secrets…
So just start, and get to know this new world…