Dutch think flu, is back. Corona virus: test oxygen levels, do scans of lungs, and do tests, that way you know what people have. Please take over to set their work straight. Real MD please.

Can you believe the no scans, no tests, no oxygen level tests? I can not.

Jiska Hachmer
6 min readMar 19, 2020

I am a student in this field, studied many modules already, and am very well studied on many parts of epidemic, and pandemic, and changing bad behavior that causes illnesses. I want to be an MD/psychologist. And already for some years have social epidemiology, and now also health psychology etc. And am environmental psychologist with my own company. And am here to make better designs of all environments for human. The interaction between environment and human is my study for that.

These people have a very low literate background, and are very lacking ideas about what viruses are, actually, and what SARS is. And how to create a best environment.

They created a very low literate country, and thus myths are everywhere at work, also crimes. Abuse of power, DSM, bias is very common in the workers. So, I studied management and healthcare entrepeneurship, and international leadership to change their behavior. And added all types of change management, like health psychology.

I want to find the illness and I do not want people to have a false DSM diagnose, where we missed the real physical illness. I want to differ precisely the illnesses, and find the details of why one is ill or not, and what they really have. Where many DSM is actually wrong diagnosed, and people have a lot of times really physical illness.

So, a pandemic interests me to create a better environment for patients, and to save lives, and to help out, and to design better solutions, and plans to make all better.

I love healthcare changes, and to do all better.

Dutch have many problems, that need to change, now.

  • There are many science method problems. They hardly know the steps, and hardly understand science duties, and simply are not scientific.
  • There are many health belief problems, and lots of that caused by the science method problems, as they are low literate, and made the country very low literate.
  • There are many social epidemiology problems, with the same cause, a low literacy, crime at work, and never understanding science and the duties, missing the logic.
  • There are also lots of problems in their raising, combined with low GPA, and low literacy. Generation specific problems for X and boom, and a boomecho affecting all people, and leading to lots of problems.
  • Also, the low IQ related study majors caused a lot of problems, also dark triad at work, low literate and crimes, and connections with heavy crime scenes, and human trafficking, and general exploitations.

I wrote a lot about this, all the years of my studies. And learned even more to solve it.

They need to change, that is the bottom line.

And from schooling ways, to the health care ways, and to how they solve crime.

They need a huge change in understanding of science, and need to become extremely scientific, and the entire population need to do all sciences. Just like USA, the same curriculum, and where 90% has a highschool diploma and where even low IQ have one, and average of population is GPA 3.

The dutch GPA is 0.67.

We can not have people just thinking it all is just a flu. And not test all people.

In science the logic would be, we observe a change, we take all research and look at the logic, and test out what this is. We can expect Coronavirus. And we can measure in more ways.

We can use more unscientific findings, no matter if that is a doctor. Well, actually especially when that is a doctor. We must rely on them, so they must do their work perfectly. We expect the highest GPA, knowledge, and levels, and from A-Z, as they do save lives, if they have all that. And they do the jobs to save our lives. So, they must do that best. It is a duty, and a logic.

So, dutch must think of all ways to discover if one has corona, when they have not enough tests.

There are more ways mentioned:

  • China did scans of lungs. When all tests ran out, they first scanned lungs, if they found pneumonia they tested on Coronavirus.
  • Belgium doctor found, a lot of patients at ICU under 50, and all had the same situation, thinking to be recovered from flu, and then breathing problems, and the oxygen levels were low, and they had damage in the body, organ damage, and thus ended up at ICU. We can look at oxygen levels, with tests. That is not that hard. And we can test on corona after.
  • WHO says: test, test, test. Yes, thats a logic.

All sciences points out, smokers are dying from corona. Also, men, although also women and kids, but the percentage is higher. So, we can test even faster people, with all the knowledge we have now. Although we can never say, oh this is a kid, that can not have corona. That is a lie, a fraud, and a crime. Because we know they can, we have cases of that, and a lot, and the percentage shows half ICU in belgium is under 50.

We do see, differences in what people show for results in tests. Like the under 50 clearly shows oxygen problems.

Because especially young do not show symptoms first, but do get the oxygen problems and thus damages. We need to test on oxygen in any way.

Any scientific can come onto these conclusions.


Adding ideas to how we can increase oxygen would be an idea for many doctors to think about, instead of not thinking about it. What does work? Who did study this already? And who found solutions for at home, to increase oxygen. More plants, oxygen in water, machines that create more oxygen in the body and air. And what do they precisely do? And when do people still have to go to the hospital to check if they do have corona, even when they seem better with more oxygen at home? Etc. There is a lot to study on.

We need to know the best foods, to get least ill, and what preventive medicine can do. Also, what food are preventive medicine, and what precisely we need now with corona virus around.

Solutions for the problems that may come, and for underlying problems.

We need MD talks in the country. People that do want to find solutions, and do want to solve diseases, that is the work they are doing, so that is logically expected. They are here to save lives.


Because there are options, we must do the things we can do. We can not skip it and say this is a normal flu season. We know it is not. Consciousness counts in crime. We can not let anyone with knowledge of possible death let people die, especially not doctors, they have duties to save the lives, and do all they can. And they can do other tests too.




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