DNA Tourism and Cloning Anne Frank: Things criminals never thought about, when they killed her, but a killer never wins.

Jiska Hachmer
9 min readNov 23, 2019


World peace.

The winning solution is creating only good environments, so, evil will never exist again. All kids start cute, so that path will succeed. Every new child born we are closer to the day there is no war again. In contrast with what we ever thought: We thought DNA could harm because it could make more wars on races, but it actually is saving humanity, because everyone is proven the same family. The World War was based on myths. DNA is science, and in every DNA we can look back and find the entire world in the people.

To be more precise, we are stardust from the Universe. Luca is our common ancestor, the common ancestor to all life, to all with DNA. (Griffin, 2016)

But how do we make the world fair again, after a World War?

Skipping killers.

I think people will get people back to life, also, who was once murdered. And, I think, people will skip getting back killers to life, once death. So, it is interesting to think about, when we clone DNA from the past, what that will mean. Like, what if we clone Anne Frank?

Live is about being the best you can be and changing the worst into the best. So, bad things never happen again, and killers will never be created again, as they are created by faults in the environment and raising. No matter if all people will come back, no matter good or “bad”, the environment will be changed, so these people can never be bad again.

This is Anne Frank…


We need to be told she wants to come back, by herself.

In my opinion, getting her back is the best revenge, but only if she wants that. What will happen to the same DNA, in a new environment? The new people made from her DNA will be as great as her in a new environment.

I think we need to make an instrument, as smart as her, to be able to ask her, if she wants to live on earth again, and when? Such Einsteins’machine, really able to hear “ghosts”, spirits. And, we need another machine, to create the soul into the body, else we only make twins of her. So, we would need to have a machine able to tell if she wants her soul transferred into this new same body, with all the same talents.

Cloning is possible, and let’s clone only with the will of the soul, really wanting to be cloned. And also, able to tell, how many clones they want of themselves.

Plus lots of ethics, so no one can set them up against each other.

I think, we first have to make such a machine.

With any person, cloned or not, life is about the same to create No Crime and No DSM.

Life must be approached with the authoritative raising style, which is also a sophisticated style. So, no DSM, nor crime will exist with that style. (Joordens, N.D.)

Authoritative raising against DSM. (Joordens, N.D.) Sophisticated, academic skills and higher education against Crime. (Hjalmarsson and Lochner, 2012)

Raising so no DSM is caused.

Authoritarians cause ODD and fear

Authoritarian causes fear and ODD, and Trump's authoritarianism shows at the same time more fear and anxiety, and typical harsh ideas, which show a being against all this unfair treatment and causes people to not live happily, and healthy. In the crime spectrum, ODD is in the middle. ADHD is the least criminal, and used for crime, if into crime. (Rostain, N.D.) ODD is against certain things, caused by certain things. And psychopathy is the big criminal, using and abusing all depending, and vulnerable, and is hurt himself/ herself a lot, and started in early childhood, by abuse. Like most DSM is about being not treated well, being abused, not developed the good way it should have been, but caused by the environment.

Neglecting causes neglect

Neglecting parenting causes more neglect. It is like people that are not smart, miss some things in life, by missing lots of input through the senses, that can not be processed, and will be missed in the mind. A smaller network of ideas, and a lower level of development, because of that. Children with high IQ need high input to keep the level up. It is why all people mostly drop in IQ scores over time, from baby IQ to IQ at 16. Mostly saved the most by homeschooling, self-study, engaged parents, able to give when the child asks, and authoritatively. Also, kids locked up in basements in 1800, in Europe, were neglected, and this much they showed no development, also not physically, and could not ever develop, because input came to late. (von Feuerbach, e.a, 1990. p16) That never happens anywhere, anymore, but that time they were studied, the neglected, and people found the kids could never catch up again. So it is important to know the children and deliver the input fitting to the IQ, but if neglected yourself, how you know? Not, you ll give what is taught, and what you can think of. A neglected has small ideas, thus will deliver small ideas too, so the next child is also receiving small ideas, to process.

Raising every person with higher education solves a lot. Also, the understanding of the mind helps to solve a lot. A person can be aware of what to do when studied about it. We need at start warmth, also input in general and only the best, we can not have a Bandura alike input, that would create murderers, etc, then we also need harder tasks over time, to grow IQ. (N.D., 2013) So, we need the best environment and the best input, and harder tasks, and self-study, to have the best results.

Impulsive parenting causes addiction

The senses are the place where input is coming through, the working memory will be the place where those sensations will be going into the memory and brain. There we do have preferences of what we let in, but if one is always impulsive to you, your brain will become addicted.

You need authoritative raising, to be without DSM.

Wise thoughts about the sensations, and wise decisions about giving the best input, that you can process in the working memory. Not giving bad options, so preferences can only be chosen from the best choices. Then, the development of a human is wisest, there will be only good to be.

There, you will be unique, and authentic, and the goal is autonomous. So a baby is at first totally depending, and becomes over time totally independent, taking care of depending. If you raised well, they will do that well.

Every person needs the best environment, with the most sophisticated input, and brought in the best ways, also the authoritative way, to not create crime.

I find the fairest answer to the world, to create thousands of twins of Anne Frank, and never again a Hitler. We will have the cutest writers, please see the museum of Anne Frank, and think of your kids, this time, not the crying, omg if they died, but please try once the museum with the voice of a child, not knowing where they go, and keep it in that way a child is, and then read what she said about every person in the house. It is such a cute voice, about all those people, the way a child can be. The voice-over, in any conversation. The good thing is, the war was so evil, and she was such a cute child, in the museum you can see all of the war through her eyes. And then if you know children well, you hear the people she lived with told about.

Then thousands of her would make the world cuter, you already know what all her twins would say about us if she lives with us. Sweet writers they´ll be.

Then, DNA tourism

Test who you are, where from, test even some more, to know even more beyond your 5th cousin, know 100.000 years and more about your DNA, and go travel.

A happy change in the world, a fair way of getting rich…



Griffin, A. (Tuesday 26 July, 2016) Scientists find Luca, a single-cell, bacterium-like organism that is the common ancestor of all life on Earth. Independer. Retrieved from https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-find-luca-a-single-cell-bacterium-like-organism-that-is-the-common-ancestor-of-all-life-a7157176.html

Anne Frank Cloning:

I love my mom, et al. (2009) Cloning the Queen. Tapatalk. Retrieved from

Einstein, and ghosts:

Radford, B. (2011) Do Einstein’s Laws Prove Ghosts Exist? Livescience.com Retrieved from

Parenting Styles, and causing DSM:

Joordens, S. (N.D) Introduction to Psychology. The University of Toronto at Coursera. Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-psych

Hachmer, J. (2019) Trump’s impeachment. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@jiskahachmer/trumps-impeachment-gone-is-good-because-it-is-not-going-good-a3fcdc3cc810

Rostain, A. (N.D.) “Pay Attention!!” ADHD Through the Lifespan. University of Pennsylvania via Coursera

Education impact on crime:

HJALMARSSON, R. And LOCHNER, L. (2012) THE IMPACT OF EDUCATION ON CRIME: INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCE. Research Report. Retrieved from https://www.economics.handels.gu.se/digitalAssets/1439/1439011_49-55_research_lochner.pdf

Input impact on development:

Feuerbach, A. (1990) Kasper Hauser. Netherlands: NH: Amsterdam: Candide. (originally German, 1832)


N.D. (30 Aug. 2013) Bandura and Social Learning Theory. The Curious Classroom. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjTxQy_U3ac

DNA tourism:

Gebreab, E. (2019) Year of Return: The African Americans moving to Ghana — BBC Africa. Retrieved from

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