Designing the Quays and Canals in Amsterdam, after the collapses. — Making Amsterdam a Green Urban City. “Green Urbanism”.
Designing together, everyone happy
Designs always are made so everyone is happy. We need to think of the environment and the impact on the environment, the animals, the people, and the ways we will use the Quays and canals.
Also, the Dutch Canals, are already contaminated, so we need to think of all the problems and wishes and make one big plan, also, fitting and solving long term negative impacts, and make this a Design that will last longer than the quays did now. We need to let the new quays last as long as possible, and with the best science on all details, as one big design, the best way we can.
Our Quays are a part of our environment and are depending on how well we understand the processes the environment has, and thus the Quays have an interdependence, just like Humans have with their environment, and Humans can make that difference, as Quays are made by us, and we are using the Quays and Canals.
Together, we need to do a lot of research, write a lot of theses, research theses, and hypotheses, and do fitting experiments, and share the results. People need to understand why we need this norm.
- The people need to understand why we have science, and the scientific method, how we find the truth, further studies, and scientific laws. Also, what theories mean, and how we find the absolute truth.
- The people need to do research on environmental science and need to learn why we depend on and science, and evidence-based arguments, and we depend on how much we really know and share with each other about the environment. Also, how we depend on the environment as humans, as biological beings living within an environment, within the cycles of the environment, as part of the environment.
The soil is degraded and is chemically degraded. We need to be anti pesticides and herbicides, create biodiversity, forests, and good agriculture.
The air is polluted and the chemicals contaminate the soil and the canal water, so also its steel, used for the quays.
We can and need action.
When the buildings fall on the sides of the canals, the waste will go into the water, creating more contamination. Imagine if we have quays and buildings falling into our canals all the time.
Sustainability is actually a political, social, and cultural concept. Do we understand we must change the environment and into a sustainable environment? Do we understand how much cheaper being sustainable is? Do we make sustainability a social norm? Do we have social norms in our way that we need to change? Is our culture sustainable? Is sustainability what we feel like a part of our culture? When it is we will make our environment sustainable. We must have it on our agendas, and in our hearts and society to actually make things sustainable.
We need a long term view, although this may seem unlogical, as in evolution nothing is sustainable, everything changes over time.
“The universe has one thing for sure: change” (Christian and Baker, N.D., Big History).
In Big History, we know everything changes constantly, since the Big Bang, we had elements going through space, planets formed with this, and have a process of absorbing and creating, they also make more elements, these elements we use on earth too. Earth is made from other planets in this absorbing and creation process. Life is made from these elements, and thus we are made from stardust. This happened over billions of years of time, with different “moments” in time, and in a constant change. Compared to all history in the universe, human life is very new. It is millions of years old, but very new. Earth is a few billion years old, and between the creation of the earth and human life lots have changed and life evolved into many species. The Homo Sapiens is 350.000 years old. In the Homo Sapiens lifestyle, there has been a lot of changes too. Recently we live in houses, and urban. Before this, we had only agriculture. We use the elements that are there in the universe and on earth for a long time, some sources are almost depleted. We need to understand how this works, and how we keep enough elements to use, also how we should use elements in soil, and products, like steal which we make from metal. We need to understand what we can do with all these things the universe brought us. Being sustainable is a part of this learning process.
We depend on these sources, as humans, we die without water and nutritions. We need to refill our body with the elements from the universe to let our cells function. When we realize we need to refill, and we need to understand we need elements and good functioning is coming from this understanding, we also will understand how our environment needs to be understood, so we make it sustainable, and keep the best environment, so we can survive.
We truly are a part of the biogeochemical cycles on earth, the carbon cycle, the water cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the phosphorus cycle, the Eutrophication, and dead zones (Khan, N.D., Biogeochemical cycles).
The dependence on how well we do evidence-based, science-based arguments and the fact that we are a part of the environment, that human beings are biology that depends on all these decisions and the environment make environmental science very important. We need the truth, we need the science, we need to take care of the humans and their environment to live. Everything goes extinct, Homo Sapiens live as the longest species ever 350.000 years, but because of our speech, art, expressions, sharing wisdom, information, science, truth, and handling more of the same kind, being empathic, able to understand each other and to share the information we need to survive. Animals handle less of their own kind and get sooner into fights.
“The Homo Sapiens has upset this balance to the degree that the rate of species extinction is now estimated at 10.000 times the rate of species renewal. “ (Dorsner, 2020, p12)
“ “Homo Sapiens has the industrialization and the agriculture mechanization, which gives more productivity, this creates material flows. “The Wuppertal Institute estimates that humans are now responsible for moving greater amounts of matter across the planet than all-natural occurrences (earthquakes, storms, etc) put together. “ (Dornser, 2020, p14)
There are more people alive today, and there is global inequality in the usage of earth, but the part that does use the earth the most, is depleting it and has enough production and consumption to use up all the sources.
Not only the rate and scale of this change are important, but also the nature of this change, the chemicals, the pollutants. A lot of these pollutants are not yet tested for their toxicity on humans and life forms, nor tested in combination with other chemicals, so we do not even understand the complete damages on earth and life, while we need to live within that environment and depend on it. “ (Dorsner, 2020, p14)
So, environmental science is not based on just liking to be in the environment, it is about the truth of the environment and the interdependence between humans have and their environment and all aspects of the environment (Dorsner, 2020).
This is wisdom the homo sapiens need, to survive, and we do survive because we can speak, express, share and handle each other well enough to get that truth across so we have collective knowledge we share, so everyone knows the truth and can survive.
Christian, D., and Baker, D. (N.D.) Big History: Connecting Knowledge. Macquarie University through Coursera. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (26th of June, 2020) Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions... Medium. Retrieved from
Doršner, K. (2020). Essentials of environmental science (2nd edition). Download the pdf. Available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. (CC BY-NC 3.0).
Because environmental science is regulated by the government, social norms, and people have a culture with or without sustainability, and with or without all this knowledge about environmental science, including inequality and a ruling of some countries, sustainability, and thus politics, social norms and cutlure is related to environmental science. We need to study on this and work on this with politicians, society and get this into our culture, so we can survive and do the best we can for our environment and its products, and the consumption. We need to understand what is damaged, how much is damaged, how much we damage, and how to protect the earth and our environment. The Ecological Footprint(EF), made by William Rees, we can measure this damage of consumption, production, and waste. This is named the Appropriated Carrying Capacity(ACC) and tells us about how humans function in the world. (Dorsner, 2020, p18–20).
“The Ecological Footprint of the average Dutch person is slightly less at 3.3 hectare per capita, but still imports “land services 15 times the territory of the Netherlands itself. “(Dorsner, 2020, P20)
Measuring environmental stress
Environmental stress we measure in the forests, our soil, freshwater, marine fisheries, biodiversity, atmosphere, toxic chemicals, hazardous waste, and by our waste. We need to understand these stresses and measure them to see how much damage the environment has, and how to solve issues.
We need to know if the collapsing of our Quays near the canals, and buildings in the middle of the urban city is environmental stress.
And we need to know exactly how that is so, and what should be done. Else every new quay will collapse very soon again.
We can imagine marine fisheries a problem by chemicals from agriculture, but would these chemicals also come from agriculture into the canals, causing more erosion of the steel used for the quays? The water is already contaminated a lot in that area (EEA, 2015). Not only by air pollution, which is common in urban cities.
“ Around 90 % of city dwellers in Europe are exposed to pollutants at concentrations higher than the air quality levels deemed harmful to health. For example, fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the air has been estimated to reduce life expectancy in the EU by more than eight months.” (Bruyninckx, 2017)
The freshwater in the Netherlands is 90% + polluted( EEA). So, our freshwater alone shows extreme environmental stress. Freshwater is a part of the water cycle, and thus also our soil will get the polluted water from the rain. Our groundwater is polluted, our forests, and marine fisheries, also our atmosphere, just from this water cycle. It affects biodiversity and is caused by toxic chemicals and hazardous waste.
Bruyninckx, H. (9th of October, 2017) Air Pollution. EEA. Retrieved from,by%20more%20than%20eight%20months.
EEA. (18th of February, 2015) Freshwater Quality. EEA. Retrieved from
Ethics, helps us choose between right from wrong.
But there are different kinds of ethics. First farmers had frontier ethics, they thought humans are masters on earth, and all resources would never be depleted.
That we would never be out of sources is not true. People need to understand this step by step, by doing the real science, studying the real sources, and understand elements do run out, the way our glass of water can be emptied, that way the lakes and canals can run out of the water, and this water can be contaminated or not contaminated. So, there are more parts to the story than the idea everything is fine and we use it endlessly. We need to gain the reality and real logic, which is not just something that is told, or decided by one person, we all need to study and share the results of our studies.
That together we have the story, like in any science, also for environmental science, together we know the story of contamination and depletion and we learn together how to solve this.
The school building will not tell the story, it is about the social norm, to study, and the people studying this subject, it is about people getting interested to wonder about this, and then research it, and share results of the research, then, puzzling all the stories together, into the sum, the conclusion, and solving the problems and creating a better environment.
So, we need in reality sustainable ethics, instead of the old frontier ethics. The ancestors might not understand the science of urban cities, and lots of people in one place, as they lived with just a few people, not yet depleting the earth, their ideas seemed logical then.
We need to change from an “anthropocentric” view (human-centered) to an understanding we are a part of the environment, not ruling, but a part of the cycles, and we can restore the cycles if we understand being a part of it, also including land ethics (Aldo Leopold, 1949). We then add the right changes, so the cycle continues, and we create an earth that will not be depleted. (Dorsner, 2020, P23–25)
We need to understand if we are a developed country, or developing, and if we are named by ourselves developing, or really developing, and if we are that totally, or partially. We seem very developing with ethics and environmental science.
Who we really are will also change the justice system around land ethics, sustainability, and environmental science.
We can look at GNP per capita, transportation, and communication facilities, energy consumption, literacy, and unemployment to decide if we are an (LDC) Low Developed Country, (MDC) Moderately Developed Country, or (HDC) High Developed Country.
Our GNP (Trading Economics, N.D.) is not that “high”, there is money, but it is not the highest average income a country could have. We do not pay out the people as much as countries that have half of our money do. So, those people live wealthier lives than us. We need to wonder where all the money goes. We should live double the highest average income per person. So, where does our money go?
Transportation, is actually very low, within the country we have not the best system. We have a good system or a system, but the best system we do not have. We live very crammed in an urban country. Also, we do not use the EU, and the international world much for our transportation. We should be flying more and inventing more transportation systems that would be more modern to be really a top in transportation.
Our communication facilities(Breukel, 2018) are not the best as well, many Dutch are scared of the internet, scared of TV and other media, and have lots of issues, for lots of years with social media and the use of media. So, they miss a lot of communication skills and communication. Also, they are not enough online with work and schooling, they also fear that. People are told the idea Breukel explains, but in reality, it is a lot worse, people are every low literate, our GPA 0.67, our motivation very low. We are grown up in “sects”, their schools, and a lot of time, having an indoctrinate environment, which means they are not the style of the sect they use, but use the “slave -boss “feel from that indoctrination, although 80% are not going to church, it comes from an exploitation history and the dark triad behavior, created from bad childhoods for especially the x and boom Dutch generations, which lived a different life then others of their generations around the world, and the coming from cold economical marriages. The think, to be Calvinistic, are not, they do use that to hide behind, with slavery feel and use of people, to just have an indoctrination, to be a dark triad. Which is no logic, only in crime scenes. Normal people are awake people, without an indoctrination, and raise naturally loving, like all animals (mammals) love their kids, it does not need a boss nor church to love your kids, Dutch do live indoctrinated, but never follow the real church. They are brainwashed, never really a part of a normal lifestyle. They are also kept very low literate, so you must understand the brainwashes, abuses in many ways, the exploitations, human trafficking within the country, and the low literacy linked to the crime. It is a typical low literacy crime-related scene, and a typical brainwashed in “sects” feel. Not smartly, and thus very suspicious, using the jobs wrong, not scientifically raised, not correct, thus cold, direct, and rude, and short, like dull IQ, and abused people. This must be changed, to total freedom and understanding of what schooling really is, and giving the human rights, really, not to pretend we get them, but really living freely and with the human rights, at all times. Including all types of schooling, and free development. Also, with the understanding of how science is done naturally, and how schooling is done to learn a curriculum, and how the ranking really is with science. Also, what effect higher literacy has in society, it drops the crime rate.
Energy consumption, we use that a lot, and it contaminates our environment. So, that makes it more a developing country, than a very sophisticated clean country. “The Ecological Footprint of the average Dutch person is slightly less at 3.3 hectare per capita, but still imports “land services 15 times the territory of the Netherlands itself. “(Dorsner, 2020, P20). A sophisticated and best country would have everyone on renewable energy, not destroying the cycles in nature.
Literacy, we have a lot of low literacy. The government aimed at lower education, instead of creating us a K-12 like the USA, where 90% of the population has this high gymnasium K-12, with a GPA of 3 average. Plus, our country is trying to avoid homeschooling and other schooling options with human trafficking. So, it is in an extreme state of crimes at work, and denying our human rights plus the logical modern ways of education, and creates a very low literate country.
Unemployment, we do not have the best employments. We have trafficked, exploited people, and most of us, coming from child labor, forced schooling, into lower education, and then a low state of employment. We do not get all the jobs possible and are not educated to participate in that. So, you must consider this as a very low state of employment.
We are very much like a developing country, especially as a “normal person”, and we have even human rights issues, and in extremes. So, we are a Moderately Developed Country, perhaps want to sound like a High Developed Country, and some assume that so, but the country itself is not that way, at all. At least, not anymore, the past years the situation got worse and worse. People created this low status, by not being the best, not studying the best, not working the best, being very suspicious, and not having the right attitude to be a High Developed Country. They rather live the Dark Triad ego and lie, than being a high literate, modern, smart country, with environmental science understood and done right. I think, they missed the true development in the world, and simply have no clue what real development is, as they lack the education to know so.
Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement without discriminations (Dorsner, 2020, P29). This will be achieved if everyone is protected from health hazards, and have equal access to decision making. Keeping literacy low creates no access to real decision making. Especially since human rights are denied constantly.
So, the situation is also an injustice.
Trading Economics (N.D.) Netherlands Gross National Product. Trading Economics. Retrieved from
Wikipedia (N.D.) Transportation in the Netherlands. Wikipedia. Retrieved from,infrastructure%20fourth%20in%20the%20world.
Breukel, E. (2018) Dutch business culture and etiquette; egalitarian, individualistic, direct. Intercultural. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (30th of March, 2020) BASIC CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTO THREE STAGES Made Simple — Even Your Kids Can Do It. Medium. Retrieved from
The Global Economy (N.D.) Netherlands: Unemployment rate. The Global Economy. Retrieved from
Doršner, K. (2020). Essentials of environmental science (2nd edition). Download the pdf. Available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. (CC BY-NC 3.0).
Energy flow through the ecosystems.
An ecosystem is a group of organisms, living together in an environment(you matter, 2020). They live with a food chain and can create a certain environment that can keep some products better, we can change the ecosystem by adding animals and plants (or organisms), or taking animals and plants (or organisms) away. We need to know what is the best ecosystem for the products we will use for the quays to let the quays last longer. The entire ecosystem matters.
Here are a few things to think of
Water flow.
“River ecosystems respond to changes in water flow. Rivers must contain enough water, throughout the year, to maintain the habitats of animals and plants, and to reduce vulnerability to pollution and high summer temperatures. Variations in flow are also needed to maintain a diverse habitat for different species, and trigger the migration of fish like salmon.” (Scotlands Environment,2014, p7)
Agriculture is very important in this energy flow of the ecosystem of canals.
“If products we consume are polluted, we are polluted. “
“Well-managed farms present minimal risk to rivers and canals, but poor management can lead to serious problems from diffuse pollution. Diffuse pollution arises from land-use activities across a river catchment, rather than entering the water from a pipe or discharge. The problems it causes include excessive inputs of nutrients, run-off of harmful chemicals, such as pesticides, and too much sediment. Excessive inputs of nutrients and organic matter can reduce oxygen levels in the water, which harms aquatic animals.(Scotlands Environment, 2014, p 9)”
We need to control what goes into the water from the farms. And in any way must know what is in the water, and change the water quality.
Climate change
“Climate change predictions suggest that we can expect milder, wetter autumns and winters and warmer, drier summers. Extreme weather is likely to become more variable and more frequent, leading to a greater risk of droughts and floods.” (Scotlands Environment, 2014, p10)
“We can even predict a change(Scotlands Environment, 2014, p11, table 1).
- Less overall summer rainfall-> Less water in rivers to dilute pollutants. Longer periods in which rivers shrink to occupy a fraction of the width of their beds. This will lead to declines in the abundance of plants and animals.
- More rainfall in winter/autumn, leading to higher annual river flows-> Increased dilution. Pollutants washed into the sea faster, with less time to be broken down in fresh water.
- Higher temperatures in all seasons-> Excessive and damaging growth of water plants in rivers with existing nutrient problems. Increased demand for water at just the time when there is less of it that can be taken without reducing the ecological quality of our rivers and lochs. Invasive NNS already pose a significant threat to the ecosystems of our rivers and canals. A changed climate may tip the balance in favour of some of these currently benign species. Rivers not shaded by bankside vegetation may overheat, reducing oxygen levels for wildlife Reduced snow cover will result in changes in flow rates in spring, which will alter the life-cycles of some species of wildlife.
- Increased frequency of extreme precipitation events (i.e. periods of more intense rain)-> More of the pollutants that collect on roads and urban surfaces will be washed into rivers. Soil, nutrients and other pollutants from land washed into rivers. Increased erosion rate of storm-swollen rivers, leading to habitat changes. More frequent and powerful extreme events will cause sewerage systems to overflow more often and lead to increased flooding of land and property.
- Sea-level rise-> Direct loss of habitat at the mouth of the river. Changes in base levels of rivers, which affects discharge points and abstractions.”
We need to learn to predict the changes that will happen, when we add or remove aspects in our ecosystem in our canals and rivers, and sea. We need to understand what precisely happens from the farm to the canals, from their chemicals that get in the water, to the water of the canals in Amsterdam. We also, need to know what other chemicals we have in the water and what the sources are. We need to control the chemicals in the water and change the ecosystem to the right environment for all the products the quays will have.
The cycle of the water will have an influence on how the chemicals get into the canals.
Controlling the chemicals, waterflow, and climate change, will include soil control. Chemicals will change the quality of the soil.
The energy we need to create the new quays we also have to control. Trucks, trains, also will pollute the air, those chemicals wil also get into the water cycle. So, we need to think of more details in how we work and how we make the quays. Not only, the builders need to work with renewable sources, also the factories making the steel and other materials. So, we are as environmental friendly as possible.
We can make projects for waste, for example, poor people that need money bringing their waste get free food, for a week worth free fruits and vegetables. We need to make it attractive to keep the canals clean, and to clean up our water.
We need to not have much waste in the first place, what we do have we need to recycle and reuse, the waste we can not recycle and reuse we need to give a biological treatment so it vanishes faster. (Dorsner, 2020, 339)
Biodiversity will help the farms. For example, to let the crops grow better without chemicals. Also it helps animals and plants to stay in balance with nature.
We need biodiversity around the quays to keep the soil ok.
We have to think of pesticides, erosion, herbicides, fertilizers, poor agriculture, and deforestation. We have degraded soil, mainly chemicals deterioration, as soil degradation type (UNEP World Food Summit 1996)
“The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself” — Franklin D Roosevelt.
Scotlands (5th of June, 2014) Rivers and Canals. Scotlands environment. Retrieved from
You matter. (17th of February, 2020) Ecosystem: Definition, Examples, Importance — All About Ecosystems. You Matter Retrieved from
Doršner, K. (2020). Essentials of environmental science (2nd edition). Download the pdf. Available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. (CC BY-NC 3.0).
UNEP (World Food Summit 1996) Retrieved from
Materials used
Steel, blocks, lots of materials will be used for a quay(Smith, et al, 2016), we need to use less corrosive steel, but we can make all buildings sustainable around the quays. We can learn from all the builders to create the best quays and buildings, what materials are most sustainable.
Smith, P. et al(2016) Quay Walls. Science Direct. Retrieved from
Cortese, D. (5th of June, 2019) Quay Quarter Tower: Sydney’s Sustainable Skyscraper. theb1m. Retrieved from
Greenspec Retrieved from,from%20coking%20and%20iron%2Dmaking.
Environmental economics and policies
Cost-benefit analysis, the more renewable energy and sustainable materials we use, the longer the products last, the least costs we have over time, and the least costs we have now. Also, the value will go up, the quays look good, the buildings look good and modern, and the people that buy homes around the quays have this extra quality, the renewable energy and sustainable materials have. Less damages to their homes and environment, a more stable environment, and modern, also environmental friendly. There could be an incentive for the people buying these homes.
Amsterdam has to be a sustainable urban city, including a sustainable urban infrastructure.
Urbanization has some problems, waste, sanitation, air pollution, slum cities (Dorsner, 2020, p365–366). We also need to think of the sprawling of the city, using a big area for the urban city.
The soil can lose its capacity and that leads to impairments, the quays look like such impairment now they collapse(Dorsner, 2020, p370).
Especially the number of cars and parking lots, lead to contamination of the water (Dorsner, 2020, p371).
So, we need “Green Urbanism”
And need to work on:
“For Energy and Materials:
- Embodied Energy
- Renewable energy
- Material specification
- Supply chain
- Energy sources and consumption
- Construction systems
- Prefabrication and recycling
- energy efficiency
- Resource Management
For the water:
- Urban water Management
- Water recycling and irrigation
- Urban Farming
- Urban landscape typologies
- Ecosystem Biodiversity maximized
- Grey water recycling
- Storage of Urban stormwater
- Climate change impact management
- Waste Management
For urban planning and transport:
- Urban Design
- Social Sustainability
- Ecological city theory
- Health and walkability
- Mobility, and transport
- Infrastructure
- Energy efficient buildings
- Mixed land use
- Housing affordability
- Reducing car dependency
- Subdivisions” (Dorsner, 2020, p374)
We need to learn best to know best
We need higher literacy, better understanding, better academic skills, and better input in general. People need information about environmental science.
Educating the people about how to do the environment, will help everyone to know how to this best. Biodiversity, soil, water quality, waste, long term effects, erosion, the chemical effects on the soil, and sustainability in urban environments information made into lessons will help them understand what they can do to help the environment, also how to keep the canals and quays best.
As part of the best design for the environment, we need projects so people learn, we have to make it a norm to take care of our environment best.
Note. I am an Environmental psychologist consultant, at first specialized in the learning environment and educational psychology, and leading teams and people, and developing people, raising people, and the essence of raising and development, with the right design to not have DSM nor crimes. And the management and design of environments. Also, I am developing “psychoweather”, a daily forecast explaining the environmental influences on behavior. And the founder of school for the ombudscycle and OWO Divisions(One World for the Ombudscycle), a Big History teacher, and creating other studies, and funder of the academic field Big Humanity, part of Big History, translating the scientific laws, into how we use them in daily life.
I am a student BSc Health Science, at UoPeople, to become an MD/psychologist. After this study I will study at a Medical school, to get my MD degree. I am an SA member of APA. Average of all my studies(besides my BSc Health science at the moment) cum laude + as my average grades. (See my resume at Linkedin).
I recently studied for my BSc Health Science Environmental Science, my GPA is for my degree study, a 3.11 GPA out of 4 at the moment.
The environment matters in learning, developing, and in how we understand a curriculum. Did we have the best input? The best processing? The best environment? And thus the best outcome we could get? Also, thus are we our true authentic most autonomous self? Are we really who we could be?
We can change these environmental aspects to let our DNA, and our true self, be the best it can be.
During my BSc Psychology studies, I realized the environment is very important for our DNA and the outcomes of that program. The DNA has a program, but it will not always do all it has within it. We can influence DNA, and change DNA from the environment and with the environment.
During my teaching school studies, I realized we need to know very precisely what we do with the input to children and developing people. Everyone is always developing, and everyone always needs the best. I also learned, homeschool with little instruction has the best outcomes, the best results. We need to learn intrinsic, introverted, with self-study.
We have had not the best environment for centuries in our learning process. We need to change the environment so we all can be the best we can be. This will influence also our approach to the environment.
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Van der Does de Willebois, J. (9th of March, 2013) Assessing the impact of quay-wall renovations on the nautical traffic in Amsterdam. Retrieved from
Hemel, J. and Karamitopolous, P. (N.D.) How can the historic quay walls of Amsterdam be(come) future-proof? AMS Institute. Retrieved from
Rikkoert, J. (27th of May, 2020) Construction specialist Giken chosen for Amsterdam canal renovation project. Iamsterdam. Retrieved from
Panagos, P, et al. (May, 2014) Assessing soil erosion in Europe based on data collected through a European network. Researchgate. Retrieved from
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Williams, J. (1st of February, 2017)A map of global soil degradation. Earthbound. Retrieved from
Chemical deterioration
UNEP (World Food Summit 1996) Brown water as soil conditioner. UNEP. Retrieved from
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Biogeochemical cycles
Khanacademy (N.D.) Intro to biogeochemical cycles. Khanacademy. Retrieved from v
Air pollution
Bruyninckx, H. (9th of October, 2017) Air Pollution. EEA. Retrieved from,by%20more%20than%20eight%20months.
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Breukel, E. (2018) Dutch business culture and etiquette; egalitarian, individualistic, direct. Intercultural. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (30th of March, 2020) BASIC CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTO THREE STAGES Made Simple — Even Your Kids Can Do It. Medium. Retrieved from
The Global Economy (N.D.) Netherlands: Unemployment rate. The Global Economy. Retrieved from