Day One
(Child abuse in the Netherlands by family court)
I am thinking back of last year. Before we moved I rang the attendence officer in the new town. Today my kids aren’t home, they are take away, because I asked for the laws and the rights of the kids. The schoollaw has so many options that must be given by law. She just didn’t want and frauded. But not only her, till in the court in the Netherlands people frauded, even judges. It is one scam at the moment we all are living, and my kids are simply taken too.
I will add in these articles for Day One all science, about ethics, raising styles, and what causes criminal behavior. Also lack of mirror neurons those people have that are mainly doing this work. All latest science. To understand what goes wrong.
The title One Day, cause it was going to be one day, or a short time. They abused and exploited us to earn a lot more than one day on us. They even exploited us after exploitation we ve been through. We moved to this city to be on a secret adres after exploitation. And these articles also show what exploiters do, what and who they abuse. And how life on secret adress is. More exploiters, exploiting that. Their personal regional idea of using court for these things, to have a fake approve, is typical to the morbid and horrifying childhood themselves been through. It shows their raising and cold heart to children.
Their obsessive behavior, the compulsory stealing behavior in this region and the lots of Dark Triad behavior is strange and clearly they deal with a lot in themselves. We have never lived this bad as this eastern dutch region. But we must name it North-East, cause its an entire region. Isolated in the mind, doing all un dutch. But the entire Netherlands has issues with raising children at the moment and the abuse is mainly outside the families homes.
80% of abuse happends not in the families. The kids get abused outside the families. It was already proven that dutch families raise fine. So the attack on families for their frauds and money was very typical to their own illess, and that was going to be noted some day. And that One Day we all know is now.
I’ll be writing out the entire story.
The first days and the new days at the same time. I was so kept busy last year and never believed this would be happening, that I now have to write it out.
People must be in jail for this fraud that they do.
People must get more tough punishments for the fraud that they do as well. So it has more sliver to this. The entire piece could be taken into flakes. And we could talk about each piece of this story for a long time.
It is a huge scam, thousands of families are abused by this.
I will try to explain this story in the days, in the year it happened.
The strange concidences that I moved in here 19th of march and that that is the day my kids that were taken the 7th of march away, out of the blue, while we were discussing such different things with the frauding care, and which is a duty in the Netherlands those companies had to do, and hadn’t done yet, and promissed to do, that I went to court. Cause 2 weeks after kids are take the court for the parents happen. Which is taking kids without being proven guilty of anything. Taken to many abusers that just work in this field, cause its easy to earn money and easy to get kids to abuse this way.
Which makes the judge more guilty of exploiting children and of neglecting human and children’s rights. Because it must have been proven at first at all time, before you do anything.
This type of law is full with fraud at the moment, and full with the strangest crimes judges do.
We need to do the children’s rights, and more and more people study that for their profession. The task for human rights and children rights is to become a ombudscycle together. So these laws and judges aren’t inline at all with human rights tasks from this moment and our children’s rights tasks. They are abusing all the families even more, because we work harder on the human and children’s rights. It is the strangest contrast I have ever lived. Us working and them frauding.
You can use these texts for studies. It is also a phenomena I study.
I study this myself too in a few law studies, psychology studies, and management studies. And I already have studied lots about this. So eve more idiosyncratic this story became. They took my children? And I followed laws, and they not? That was so clearly abnormal that a lot of organizations told me this is fraud.
I even reported this all, and then that showed even some cops frauding and more organizations frauding. I think for the entire world it is interesting to read about this fraud with children. Dutch have been horrific with children the past few years. Not only in the Netherlands, also while “helping out” with disasters. It is such a horrific abuse of children dutch can do, we must investigate worldwide what they have ever done.
Not even only children get abused, also female workers.
Dutch have lot’s of older people working.
We can not ignore the differences in approach to woman and children in that group.
I will share more of these articles. This is in the news often. We should use this proof to change the way people work with disasters and vulnerable people.
We must protect, because there will be more disasters invariably, so this will constantly happen.