Day one. 2. High ego headmasters as a sign.
I had called few schools already. The headmasters snappy, not friendly, autoritarian and with faults about privacy and protecting children their privacy and schoolfiles. Very fast high in ego and against others made me aware something was not just different, but also wrong. The sign we all know something is wrong.
I had been there before, where intuition counts and it’s a precise predictor of what would happen next. Especially in schools we were warned by inspections and government that headmasters talks dont help much to find genuinenes. They want to stay open and wont give truth of the school easily. You ‘d have to see the real school days and have to be a while in the school to find out the truth. If you ‘d be a teacher teaching in the school or a parent that has gone through some school years, especially with devoir for teachers then you’d know. They had to communicate, interact and grandstand, their seemliness would show.
So truth I would not get. We were warned to be intuitive and it would ever be a guess what would be true.
I d rather think of homescholing, because we tried already some schools and that clearly didnt work out. The inspections and ombudsman needed time to fix the local region and the regions problems, thus to continue education it be wiser to not try a new school and send in the form for homeschool. That wouldnt be a much easier task, because they knew local attendence officers were a problem at the moment with parents asking for homeschool. But it is a right, thus these officers must be working better with that.
So I’d agree on trying to arrange homeschool, but all of the experts thought I was to late in 2017 for that and thought july 2018 was next option to ask for that. Thus i d fix a new school that summer. And also started the kids in a homeschool so they could see what that is like.
Homeschool was also a good way to keep their real education level up.
First year of school it was the same good school I was into when I was a child.
Second year my youngest was first grade at home, but government didnt let children under 4 go to school yet, so she was homeschooled already. Kids were doing same school work at home.
Third year we were moved to another region, kids went to school there. All seemed not like what we were used to. Bit behind in that region. And schools less good. Not paying attention to learning, but free play. The kindergarten teachers believed in that.
We had the issue that we actually wanted to live abroad or in an European country other than our own. The kids well at home with their school and school didnt bring their level. And just one was in school and not yet having the schoollaw, but a free year, still sleeping most of afternoon. A year on the beach with local school in that country starting even a year later, would make them learn new language and studying on their level. They looked forward to that. My company could continue and my study. It be a good year after a travel through Europe where we found our dream place. We knew a few people living there too. It would be a great experience for a lifetime.
The kids still always want to live there, but the dream was totally taken by my mom lying to local police after a small fire in my kitchen. As if that would disturb our lives much. So we got inspected and we moved to other region and there was decided we were even brainwashed etc by a few and a few were taking our freedom, rights and safety. So we got protection and because I wanted to solve that issue first our lives were already developing in the new region, not in our dream country.
We learned about abuse of the system. How people try to keep people locked to their houses in this country, so they can keep you longer in their lives for varied reasons.
So this third year wasnt our dream place, but a dream home. Huge home with huge rooms. Compared to my previous homes 6 homes on a row. Worth 3 million in Amsterdam, if also owned the store we lived above.
We were ‘at home ‘ with our other family we were a lot genetically related too. We made lots of Nice friends, who were lots of times cousins. Because everyone was nice we never expected such bad schools in that region.
My kids did well in schools though always a topic of skipping classes and in plus classes and books. We ‘ d rather had seen Europe to have something interesting. School in Holland have a very low curriculum where teachers hardly know the topics themselves and earn low grades themselves and arent scientific and just arent best parents. When you see a class with kids the teachers are below norm themselves in parenting. Especially that region. We had rare a good teacher, and many years it was one year a good or okay one other year a bad/ horrific one …
Fourth year of school was a move to another school after abuse in the school. I d never lived such horrific scène as a child in schools.
Fifth year of school was a better year. Kids had still a+ and the only damage done in previous school was going to be fixed. But then again a change to plans. Headmaster of previous school took over our school in the end of that year and out of the blue. We had to leave. School was closing that next year too. In any way we had to leave and find a new school.
So we tried a next town. Every day by train to a cute school in the sixt year. We had seen that school on outside. It had a great playground. It was in a cute neigbourhood. The kids made friends easily, like in all the schools, and we knew parents that knew parents from our previous schools. So it only became a bigger friends group. In just 2 more years we all would be friends anyway, because our kids would be in highschool and all kids go to school in the entire region. So it was nice to know everyone already and the kids just played again a lot with the nice kids in the friendly homes of all these parents.
But one kid already left first schoolday. We had that before in the third year. New kids left same day. That meant bad things happen in the school. Third day out of nowhere a teacher yelled at me. We had never seen her before but she had opinions about us new ones. It was so strange I complained and that wouldnt be my only complaint. We got advice from government school inspections to change schools fast now we were new.
So same year another change.
The seventh year would be the same sixt year in their school, cause the previous school had been so abusive and so bad in teaching the scores were high enough but not all the same high as before. So i thought 2 young kids, 3 more years in this new school that seemed so nice would make a great end of elementary.
But that school started sweet, end of the year we had been through several abuses by the adults, all of us. And other kids had it way worse even…
The eight year we changed schools again. The abuse got heavier. Sexually to. Inspections and me knew this would end up not only lower in grades then truth because of fraud in the schoolfiles, but also Sexual Abuse started to happen and the physical abuse got tougher. The school was extremely ill and negative. We got the suggestion to finally do homeschool, although the local attendence officer would be a problem. It is the law what we ask and therapy was suggested, because the schools failed and the kids could be traumatised by now. Hope was change of situation into homescholing the kids would not be to damaged and would continue living in a healthy way, and on level.
We had learned all the years despite the school abuse on kids, mine were smart and still at home grades ahead. Doing uni since 6 years old at home.
I wasnt yet homeschool ready, and the school didnt give the right files and kept on frauding which delayed me to be on time to ask for homescholing. Well we thought to be to late for next school year.
Thus that summer we tried another town for scholing and hoped to finish the last years there of elementary. Hoping schools would be better there and they would be focused on the real level again.
Highschool depends on elementary. On how well teachers were, how good level registered.
All that hope was faster gone. Another abuser was the teacher. The system was a manic one. The headmaster extemely ill and frauding. But this school was from the same organization, looking back that was the fault.
I hoped they would solve the fraud, but they turned out a bigger fraud.
We had have all these schools. All troubling my kids life and our family life. Demanding so much of us.
At home we started more serious in scholing and those levels went up faster. I knew in the end all depends on the things we do. Schools werent giving any good education. It had been horrific.
The bad we thought we now had been through. A new town would be completely different in a new region as well, we thought.
We moved to another provence because of an exploitation in our home we had lived in for 7 years. And it all happened out of the blue since that summer. Kids just changed to this last school we tried and that wasnt good, but at home was extreme situation.
We moved to be safe. Leaving our home, that had been a huge palace for us. And had kept us safe from the previous situation we lived on our home before that one.
But also leaving the bad schools.
We were glad we could breathe some air. We were promissed all would be fine.
But these tones of the headmasters in the new town worried me and i was right. Even worse.