Data on dutch abuse in elementary schools, and the help of their system against that.
There is no real help. Just a few people complaint in those places where real help could come from.
It does change a lot. We saw many teachers in the northeast NL region change jobs. And complaining internally and around had to be lots before they moved, and only leads to moving schools and rare to jail, or other jobs, which should constantly to clean the work floor, as its just work, and criminal behaviors. So, these drag their crimes along with them. What makes the entire region unstable and into crimes, and raises kids commonly into crimes. And gives parents problems, and lets families live in distress.
The abuse is so common,
but the people exploit them so much, the complaints are exhausting much to keep doing, and before you know it, teachers move, and it all never really solves, and your child is out of school.
And the workers work organized against the families and kids. The big signal they want the kids. Human rights demands extension of own home, and no peers together, but an adult world. Homeschool with parents not interfered with by others is most logical. These want the kids, the way crime scenes always want the kids. Pedophiles etc.
And the typical dark triad people working in these fields.
Which does lead to crimes in the child's life and further life.
People know from what situation you come, even when gov doesn't solve.
Criminals abuse, use the schools and kids, follow up and try to create a network of crimes they can't escape and use the cops, etc against the kids and families over time. As if “they know that child”.
The next then exploits. But they miss all real data, and never want to solve.
When you ring, or they just note it, or they don't do a thing with it.
All also don't know human rights laws well, especially kid’s laws. They see them as low. And use them. Degrade etc.
While duty is doing the will of the child, and help them achieve that, and without interfering. No force to join etc.
They just need to clean the field and all will be a lot better of.
And they need to find the complaints and solve all in details, including jailing school leaders, users of schools, and kids, and families, and teachers.
You now let people abuse with gov money, and listen to the criminals, instead of the child. And help them eat and hide. It is unacceptable as the law demands, and these shape the scene into a crime scene.
We need everyone's data. Everyone's observation. Everyone's idea on what this is.
All together solves more. They all need to learn to do science and sciences. And data science. And learn why we first use all observations of all people, all kids, and all experiences of families.
Kids first and families first, does not mean, exploit them, use them, interfere. It means never interfere, never exploit, never use them. They are put first.
And hear them, when they tell. It is about achieving their will.
note. Yes, they stole my kids too. With that system. I asked for an adjustment in education. The locals did not want to follow the national gov, nor attendance officer Amsterdam, while that is a duty to follow. The locals refused the laws, and as rebels, using their jobs living with extremists, etc. They took mine and fraud in all possible ways, with a closing youth care company and locals. All, knowing each other and exploiting. And dragging my name down, in their hope the field is then theirs. And not cleaned.
Our rights not given, but taken. Discriminated, exploited, trafficked, abused, used. Etc. A long list. Just for my work and our brains, and studies. My kids are official BSc. students but locals denied that and illegally with the wrong judges and all don't do kids' rights duties.
In my home always treated correctly by me and I worked always on getting the kid's rights done. See my resume. The criminals are known for the crimes in their jobs, and abuse of these jobs, and simply striving this out illegally.
Knowledge is power and only power. Being smarter than the one with the role. Winning it with knowledge from the people leading.
It is very powerful to study as much as you can, and continue doing that and with the highest GPA, and learning many studies on the highest levels, so you can be more jobs. And combine those, and be those.
You will see easier how others tried to use certain professions. And you can protect yourself better with another profession you can do, against them.
Thus when teachers like you as a teacher, but hate you as a psychologist, and want to use you for exploitation, you can use human rights studies against that, and jail them, and tell everyone they are mentally ill. Managing, leading, teaching, there are many jobs you can do.
Don’t let them use you. Create all jobs in the correct way tasks should be done. And do a-z correct, so don't stimulate jobs that shouldn't exist, and create the modern best way of how things should be done.
Help people get smarter, and the crime rate will drop. Help them get an honor code, be a good person in the field, so they will change and drop the crime rate, and help them get higher literate.