Crimes at work are so much more for us in psychology and duty to correct.

It says so much more in psychology

Jiska Hachmer
4 min readFeb 11, 2020

Crimes at work say so much. For example:

  • X had not the correct education, by the boom.
  • Boom had not the correct education, by their time, and who gave them lessons, and during their lives went into crimes, and took x with them and tried all generations.

All victims of

  • Bad times, bad input, we still have to set straight in their adulthood. F-m*a. We must understand the force of the bad input, and the force of the thoughts they now have. The force of the lack of correct input, thus the lack of doing the right things. And the force of education setting this straight. And the honor codes, setting this straight. All the lessons to set this straight.
  • Bad education. Not getting to the precise ways we have today from a-z in the curriculum. With a high GPA. Where all the input is done correctly from the beginning, (no matter unschooling, homeschooling, online schooling, blended learning, etc any way of education) and kept correct at work, with highest educated, working towards all doctorates, science, and doing tasks correctly, according to science.
  • And the way China wonders how we can do just science and all comes to one idea. Both lack understanding. And China, with a one way, made up, not scientific correct, thus many faults. The ruler finds him herself more important and with groups of people to force it, then the truth. Which is illegal, slavery, human trafficking, exploitation in any way, and wrong in sciences, thus at work, and dangerous. Not leading to logic and safety. (And not automatically) And these jobs and parties we have trying to copy that, as extreme rights, and criminals in general, wanting human trafficking, use and abuse instead of the real job.
  • And child abuse. All authoritative raisers would come automatically to science and good ways. So they are neglected, leading to more neglect, as that is your only copy then, the only input. Authoritarians used them and did not give the right raising, thus they got fears and ODD. And impulsively raised, which leads to addictions. And all the next problems with these problems in their core, especially within the generations. With including the hierarchy that boom tried. As a leader, which now is not leading generation, Millenials are, and we have science, ethics, human rights, profession codes, boundaries to our professions, etc. A logic and from science, where all seek scientific laws and only that is the absolute truth.
  • No children’ s rights, thus not doing those correctly. Which is a duty. They were raised with abuse and faults, and can not automatically do the rights correctly, as it was not given to them.

Then detailed in all the jobs all the faults

  • Task-oriented problems
  • Personal problems (like their DSM, bias, myths, etc and the dark triad at work)

And not understanding well-being(Santos, N.D.): autonomous, authentic being, with your unique being as we in psychology, biology, etc know all people are born unique, and human rights demands the same understanding of being unique. Ruggiero et al, (N.D). All people understand that with proper education and proper input. We notice right away these illnesses and problems lacking this common understanding. And we see certain groups do this wrong.


  • Education, higher education, (with freedom from unschooling, to homeschooling, where homeschooling is best, and all learns best with just little guidance) and honor codes, also the codes like profession codes, ethics, human rights, etc lead to drop crime rate.
  • And authoritative raising leads to no development of DSM.


See all of the tweets (and translate the tweet if you need it ). And see the parts that go wrong and because of the typical things. Which teaches us exactly what is wrong, who and from what groups and situations. And what jobs. And the DSM, myths, and biasses that seek those jobs. While we must make all correct. Leaving the faults leads to more crime. Making the crime norm, and that is what previous generations at work now show, they lived within crimes, and that became a norm in their mind.

