Covid19 does not change. It is not a new disease, and will not change.

Then it would have a new name. It remains the same disease. Same dangers, same patterns.

Jiska Hachmer
12 min readMay 4, 2020

The dutch keep thinking there are different Covid19 moments, thus different situations. No, it is the same as if you find it out today. Every covid19 needs the same treatment, same protocol, all the time, always. The differences, as in complication differences, are part of the disease and also does not make it a different disease.

So, it will constantly be the same thing, not so changing. It does have different complications and does always need the same treatments. It is not covid20 now. Then we need to check if it has changed. The way we do have flu changing, and corona changing over time. Then we name it with the new name.

Social epidemiology, the core of the disease, and the reason why we have it is a bad understanding.

And wanting to profit, from keeping covid19 patients. And thus the delusion we can trap people that long because at the beginning we created covid19. And keep people in this cycle of constant some covid19 and block on lifestyles. While the covid19 had from the beginning the one rule, testing testing testing and isolate the ones that have it, and strict lockdown so it can go away. And every time it comes around strict lockdown again and testing testing testing. That is how all are taught too, so they are rebellions or no real MD, and clearly bad at science. And clearly mentally ill, wanting to rule people, instead of doing the real work, and have a fault, murderers they are, causing death, and deaths that did not have to happen. They are at fault and need punishment. To stop this we have health psychology and social epidemiology, which is a very common curriculum, thus them lacking shows not to be real MD.

The refusing to treat it as corona, sars, changed a bit, thus people accepted a light lockdown, finally after exhausting work.

We worked 24/7, and the dutch MD and RIVM GGD and all profiting the Corona did not listen. Dutch were from the beginning wrong with all covid19 ideas. While it had to be one union, worldwide as this is a study, one field, one answer, nothing can be different. Thus we found stubborn and ill at work, also ignorant, etc.

So, we do find bad workers, bad ideas, and dark triads.

We can see their:

  • Personal problems, bad studies, bad ideas, bad environment creating a difference between truth and their ideas. Bad schooled.
  • DSM, not able to listen well, and wrongly at work with people in such a moment, where we need the best. The danger of DSM. Where the elderly get grey and dementia etc and behavior changes over time. Where none is allowed to work without being their best. Where we also do check eyes, for all that want a driver's license. We do “discriminate”, which is no discrimination, but safety check. So, we find many not capable, and with DSM as a reason. We can name it personal problems, but Dutch has lots of DSM at work. Where the trend is all at work sound healthy. But that is dangerous as they are not. And it is a profiting field on its own to traffick, exploit and use people in systems that are not capable. Thus it needs the precise answer on what people have, and what DSM types seek these jobs, and who forced them. It is more important as people with DSM are not criminals, can be exploited, and can have physical illness instead of DSM. They need to be treated and not as bad as our health care system does Covid19, and as bad it does DSM, lots of care fraud is a part of these faults and creations.
  • Task problems, all of them, and the DSM, and the personal problems lead to task problems. But also, there is only low literate at work. As we have fraud for decades in our schools and an illegal force towards this abuse of people. From a-z not the right level, curriculum, and “internal” within the “groups” abuse of people, to get a job. A sect mindset. Where children born in this country only end up below what they could, and will not get their rights. Leading to their own task problems.

So, we have DSM, dark triad, not capable and brainwashed, used people at work.

With all low GPA, low literacy, and “opinions”, not according to science. And with a history of bad practice and abuse of people.

Note. When I was baby and toddler, we still had the forced medical ideas, of all must have the most nearby doctor, ours was a raper as well, and lots were. And in many jobs we had rapers. It is why X and boom have more issues than many, and many than their own generations around the world. Along the way, they got jobs among the rapers, abusers, traffickers, exploiters. Thus they live sect mindsets. Although all had changed away from that all the years after my early childhood. Some regions never getting out of it.

This group thinks to know Covid19.

Then they had to say the same things as in the beginning, like the real MD. But these only repeat the bad beginning and remain murderers.

They keep lacking, and at fault and must be blamed and jailed.

Also, let the people die, and exploit exploited.

Use Dutch money are the worst doctors. They earn more and more on this, but they show in their actions actually not to really care. It is only earning, and a way too rigid to them. But they need to get out of their own confused mind.

The work remains simple. Explain. Treat them like all others. Wherever you would live, and use the money correctly.

They are a bit mean and negative and earning, which shows the Dark triad. And not reliable doctors. And because we have anyway already the worst, it will not be the best doctors, but earning more and more on this next exploitation.

I do not recognize the same science and other related BSc. and then with MD in these videos. Not the world bit more well mannered and happier doctors, the way the world has them. And the will to treat.

Also, not inventive enough. It is letting them into office, earn a lot, and not treat them and be a mean attitude.

It has to be mentally strong, more “happy”/ upbeat, not lying fraud to happy but the I care upbeat and taking it seriously what the patients have. And the love for the job. Being strong yourself. Understanding the privilege to be a doctor. And treat them correctly, thus also to IC if needed. And more understanding, empathic, instead of negative, and telling. We now only end up with bit mean doctors earning and the rest of the world noting, they are not really the same MD, and normal people help people and thus will get mad at this new exploitation the Dutch do, and again and again and again, thus the world gets tired of abusive and negative that have no heart. Not really, a heart. Especially because the people in the country have more and more exploitations, and is only full of care fraud and typical blamers, borderliners, dark triad blaming anyone but themselves, so we do not note the frauds and care fraud. While all know the dark triad lies and frauds and uses Dutch money. Where they as “doctors” twist it around, they need more money, less care, less work, less heart, and accuse these of being illegal thus are bad and thus need a stricter tone and thus, etc. No, we need to solve real, and when they are patients just treat them equally as any patient, there is the money for them.

So, who solves? Where do we bring them to? And who teaches people to wear masks, and to treat them right there where they need it, why bring to the hospital and not do anything else inventive? Dutch are not educated enough to get ideas, they are only earning, in offices. It is not oke.

You see the Dutch lack curriculum. And think they are now Gods with power jobs. They are ill.

See a real one.

a note. There will be doctors because of Covid19 unhappy, and more scared, etc. But they need their own mental health and breaks or change in jobs. We do not need any doctor's death, because it gets too much.




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