COVID19 brings us to what we all face together: crimes. Crimes at work. Cracking the dark triad.
We all face the same problem…Stopping “TV-thiefianism”. Criminals at work, using our work places to do crimes.
Cracking the dark triad
Authoritarianism governments, with dark triad.
Hard need to be broken, and removed, back into humanity and real law, correct routes, ethics, human rights and science (and the total sum of scientific laws). Where in the law, there is the scientific law only. So, all is absolute (true). Not absolute will of someone, but true.
All have basic needs, real life and living, and not death and damage by governments, also no interferences, and all have an autonomous live, own choices and own preferences, personal, unique life, and sciences.
We need to get rid of lies, usage, exploitations, and human trafficking. We need a logic, real freedom, and science.
People do not need someone to think for them, and to be the opinion for all. We need humanity, independence, freedom, own self, own will, own opinions, own thesis, and research theses. The point of a leader is a database of truth, that makes us stronger, and makes us survive.
One with bias, their own will, will damage people, and not seek the absolute truth. So we need the seeker of absolute truth, that also has found it, and shares that, and thus leads. And teaches us how to find that as well. And how that perfect thinking process goes. So, we think ourselves, and find truth, and only absolute truth ourselves. So, all fits perfectly. And is done authoritative.
No rightism, no authoritarianism, no communism, but authoritativianism, and combined with ethics, empathy and human rights.
The way raising is proven best, this is an absolute only best. The rest creates damage and DSM, and are simply things once done, doesn’t mean best, nor allowed. It is actually all already proven not allowed. Human rights is duty now. That is only allowed. People let it slip in there as option, and skipped the laws, but it was not an option, criminals made it seem like an option. It is like TV thiefianism, and then a leader, wanting the job of leading the world, and his style is stealing TV’s. That will never be allowed, the slip down to such is a criminal scene. The state of the mind, not the truth, nor best for people. The families, children must be coming first, must be protected. Duty is to let the human rights come first.
Crime at work
It is the same thing, as the wrong “leaders” , that are just selfmade leaders, just people, and using people to look like a leader. Not doing the absolute truth.
Homo Sapiens survive with speech, art and handling more of same kind, thus more of the same species than other animals do.
Surviving is done by being the best and wisest. So, thats all the leaders can be. Really the best. Not power seeking, but really the best, so the others can use that best. So, what others could not find to solute problems perfectly, is then, still found, by the leaders.
This pretending of being the best, is unethical, untrue, fakenews, it has to be true. Science arranges that. Arranges the absolute truth. That is all we are allowed to do, finding the absolute truth, and understand all details together in one story, and still be perfect, so everyone gets a personal perfect story, and the fitting in the total, perfectly.
Having the real space to develop perfectly, by yourself, and uniquely, as humans are unique, and develop into independency.
Criminals at work we must loose.
The crime scene needs to be solved and gone. And we can.