Coronavirus, SARS, COVID19. Would blood color tell if you are ill? Blood is red because of oxygen.
Blood is red because of Oxygen, pleural fluid and RBC. The RBC are before oxygen and pleural fluid pink/purple.
- Only fluid and rbc is light red.
- Only rbc is magenta.
- With oxygen, rbc is just blue, so there had to be something more…
RBC, oxygen, pleural fluid is red blood.
I think, seeing the colors needed to create red.
- light red is just pleural fluid, and RBC, without oxygen
- Pleural fluid higher becomes green. Sign of illness. (The red with more yellow is green. )
- When there is more oxygen, would it be able to turn a bit bluu? Because it is to much oxygen.
When green: cancer
Because of the pleural fluid.
Different colors of blood science
The color says what it can, and has. The process of blood.
Oxygen colors rbc red.
Blood is first purple and blue. Then after oxydization red.
Blood can also turn white-> milk.
Blood is changing colors.
Red is primair, but made by oxygen
Because Oxygen is added, and blue and pink is not red, there had to be another color.
The red in blood is
- magenta (a bright pink)
- yellow
- and cyan (a bright blue).
Oxygen is cyan isnt it?
rbc pink
and what was then yellow? In respiratory…
The color shows
- Oxygen- > cyan
- RBC-> pink
- Then another part is Yellow
Only sulfur and chloride are yellow…Are those in respiratory? No, pleural fluid is…and is yellow too. And is normally there, and becomes a problem when it is infecting, and turns green when infecting. We know green shows illness. That could be the thing why blood is red too. We missed yellow. There is pleural fluid, so that will be the reason why blood is red, combined with oxygen and RBC.
But then… We could read the colors of the blood? Could we?
RBC is
PH, pleural fluid change with oxygen the rbc red.
Would low high ph change blood color? Then we can see in our blood color ph. We could see more yellow, more blue, more pink/purple?
We could see on color of blood what is wrong, with:
- pleural fluid
- rbc or
- oxygen.
We might can use this now with the pneumonia because of SARS, COVID19.