Control the people: Control the mind and behavior.

Jiska Hachmer
10 min readDec 5, 2019


We know how to do the input and the control of the people. And to create them into the people they are and people they should be. Thus we know how we set the right environment to develop in the right ways.

This entire article has one point: Right environment: Raising, sophisticated input, autonomous, authentic living. To solve, DSM and Crime, illness, and unhealthy behavior related to illness, crime and DSM.

In 1920, there was a book published “The management of men: a handbook on the systematic development of morale and the control of human behavior.” (Munson, et. al, 1920). In fluences change the behavior of soldiers.

Without crime, DSM and unhealthy behavior.

We need to know:

  • How to raise. Only authoritatively.
  • How to do science. Science steps, academic skills, and scientific laws.
  • And do only the most sophisticated things, the truth. Including knowing what theories are, and scientific laws, and understand the process humans go through with knowledge, where they don’t know for sure when they have the absolute truth, plus where the universe always changes, thus truth changes. With always, in the end, all humans within themselves, guessing, and are with inverse problems.
  • And let people be autonomous, authentic and unique. Which is also well-being. And the goal in humanity, to be yourself.

We must be authoritative and have and give higher education.

Not, only all points in the article I wrote: “Protect families: Now we know how to solve DSM and Crime, we need to build safe places around the parents. So no one can use them.” (Hachmer, 2019).

  1. Simply authoritative raising causes as only raising style, No DSM. Science causes mental health. People need fully science especially at the age of 12–14, to develop a healthy mind.
  2. Higher education solves crime rates. Academic skills, science steps, and scientific laws, with all most sophisticated input, will be a force inside. F=m*a, and velocity.

We can also, change behavior.

3. Knowing the science about what is bad behavior, what is related to illness, creating DSM and crime.

Those are 3 things, Illness related behavior, DSM related behavior, Crime related behavior.

Which you can separate in all kinds of parts. But the core is these three things.

  1. Bad behavior related to illness, like smoking will cause lung cancer.
  2. Bad behavior related to DSM, the other parenting styles, other than authoritative, thus authoritarian, neglect and impulsive parenting.
  3. Bad behavior related to DSM, which is environmental-related. Thus, events to big for the mind, which cause trauma, being alone without the parents, being with peers age-related, and therefore being neglected, etc.
  4. Bad behavior related to crime, which has partially DSM types in crime, like borderline has crime as symptoms, also, psychopathy, and narcissism, and Machiavellism. But these are caused by bad behavior related to DSM, thus bad parenting styles, and bad input. Others than the parents can cause trauma, and damage in the brain. We need to do brain scans to know the real cause and the damage is done, and the real illness that we then can heal, with brain healing. Within the wrong input, we have Damage and then DSM and crime that happens, because of the wrong input. Bad behavior related to crime, is low input, low education, low literacy, low understanding, that others caused, it is the lack of the environment. Especially because IQ 59 can become professor, thus the environment lacks in all cases with not finding the ways to get all people into doctorates degrees. Which, does cause lower crime rates. Academic skilled, communicate better, and speech problems are related to crime as well. This is one way of how crime exists, by not being developed, into sciences, academic skills, and scientific laws, and deeper understanding. Also, IQ grows by harder tasks, thus during development, when the tasks get harder, more difficult, there is where people grow IQ. They now miss, thus we keep all these people at this low level, therefor crime happens.
  5. Plus bad behavior related to crime, which is environmental-related. The weather does cause mental changes. Also, the school buildings, instead of being homeschooled.

Wrong behavior has signs (Wikipedia, abusive power and control, N.D.):

There is Bad behavior related to health, raising, ethics, use of systems in the wrong way, use of people,

and done by types of people:

  1. Types of DSM
  2. Types of Crime

And caused in the same way as explained above, by raising, other input, and environmental causes.

This goes in cycles we must break.

Cycles we must break

We need to change the behavior of people, so all people can be without DSM, and without crime, and can be raised healthy.

We use change models for that (Anastacia, 2015).

In evolution, behavior changes too…

For example, sexual behavior changes, where the mind will control, and no longer hormones control behavior (Wikipedia, Evolution of the biological factors of sexual behavior, N.D).

All will change.

We keep solving with the ombudscycles

Where we keep solving, also after the solving (Ruggiero et .al, 2018).


So, we need to change:

  1. Behavior, causing DSM and Crime.
  2. Use of systems
  3. Use of people

We need to control any criminal, one with DSM, or one with illness-related bad behavior wanting to control this controlling of other people.

With their frauds and crime, and bias, myths, opinions, political ideas, and usages. While we do must control how we set up the environment, so everyone can be themselves, autonomous, authentic, and unique (Santos, 2019)

Example: Basic needs all human needs.

If you hate food, why? Why controlling people for it, so they are like you. The crime in the people controlling food by myths, opinions, bias, political ideas to control people. One bread, instead of other types of food, etc. We have passed that, but not… There are always people abused by raising and others that are input who have caused this in children, and others to control them. Thus, we know there are always people abused and now a criminal too to others. Some, not, some are just damaged physically and perhaps mentally, and got over the abusers, and now raise their own kids and other depending well. But some yes, some are so mentally damaged as well as physically, that they are or not capable of anything, or little bit capable of doing things normally, but some are now the new criminals, after abuse.

Food has to be done in one way, scientifically correct, autonomous, authentic, uniquely. All people must take care of themselves and choose the best food for themselves.

They learn good habits, by living with good raisers, that are most sophisticated. Knowing what the best foods are and how to give it in the best ways.

Scientists share their science, and the raisers take the science, and understand the science most sophisticatedly, and raise their kids and others depending on them with that.

They can be themselves, scientists, they can learn online, in books, through experts, but in the core of it all, there is science. And, who gets the best science, and is lucky to find the best answers to the questions scientists have to find the best results.

We wait till we have found the truth, that is what humans do. Yes, doctors can be wrong and think they are right, for a long time, until one publishes results that are believed, understood and clearly truer. We then do this new truth. And that will happen again and again. Thus, people do have to be, themselves, autonomous. They have to study themselves on the highest levels, to choose the best.

Science finds, in the end, all the same things. So, if all study, all find the same, and some add some new results, found by the science steps. Everyone can get the same results, I wrote about in another article, “ All jobs: Everyone can get the same results, in each job.” (Hachmer, 2019).

Safe control

You control with the knowledge, with the right environment, and right input, but let all people be autonomous, authentic, unique and decide their own diets, which they know themselves a lot about, so they can choose, plus they are raised healthy, they don’t know better, but if they find in science a better answer they can use that science, change the diet, change the lifestyle and change even the entire science fields, by adding the found science.

This is authoritative raising, without buildings, without force, without crime, without other raising styles causing DSM, and with all good behavior in the environment. The core of the raising is about the most sophisticated input. And people will be raised to become equal, but are also autonomous and taught the steps to be autonomous, like science steps.

There is no DSM, no Crime, all not sophisticated addressed in the best ways to most sophisticated, and people know the health-related behaviors and control them.

“If raised wrong, use the behavior change models, and change not only yourself, also the environment.“ — Jiska Hachmer

So, what we put in, will have a process, and will come out as output.

See Bandura for the negative influences on behavior (Bandura, 2013)


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Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019) “To really change, you need to know values and science… The truth of what we must change, and the truth of what people are, want and need… Then the truth on how we change in best ways.” Twitter. Retrieved from

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