Computers software: Punishment system for judges, cops, social work, schools, and all care that worked along with them.
#stophumantrafficking through work. #stopexploitation through work. #stopignorance at work. #stopabuseofpower at work. #stopfraud at work. #stoplowliteracy at work. #stopcrime at work. #stop extremism at work. #stopterrorism at work. #stopbullying at work. #stopmachiavelli at work. #stoppsychopathy at work. #stopnarcissists at work. #stoppersonalproblems at work. Make all task-oriented. No room for a crime. All done correctly according to human rights, ethics, science, empathy, and fitting profession codes.
All human rights, ethics, science, empathy, and profession codes in a system.
And the outcome of machines. We need a smart system, always correct, always knowing each law, ever existed and coming with the punishment that fits and done in the right way. It saves people from having to judge. But we do need to judge that system as well. Is it correct? Does it really have all the laws there? And all the best ways of solving things? And is it not frauded. It will keep crime out of the jobs and will answer what punishment internally in the companies have to be given to employees that do crime too. And goal equality and all done correctly.
The one-way route, in court, the sum of all possible laws, Including punishing all employers.
- who can not change
- who can change
Only who can not change in jails. We need to know exactly when that is, and if there is not another way. And for who can change the best ways to change. And what to change into. All based on science, absolute truth only. According to human rights, ethics and done with empathy.
For example, a criminal mind is related to low literacy. But low literacy can be related to viruses, and gut microbiome relation to the brain. It can be brain damaged. We need MD/cops. But at courts, we need the system to be so precise all is done so that none is jailed, and we still have the safest environment for all.
Without force, but with a different type of force of always doing the right ways, to do everything, that will be a force inside of the people. Like a chain reaction of good which will make all people's outcome good.
All study along, all human rights, ethics, empathy, science, and see who twists abuses power, lies, frauds.
- Machiavelli
- Narcissists
- Psychopaths (socio and psychopaths)
All jobs must be clean from any criminal. And full of studied people, and high GPA. The logic sum of the best and all placed correctly, never a fault.
We always need to understand the smartest robot and computer too. And make even smarter.
High literacy is related to a drop in the crime rate.
We can create a total sum of all laws, and find what laws should count in all situations.
We know all human rights are always equal, and all other laws must be according to that. All is science and ethics-based too. And must be done with empathy.
The total software also must include all the best ways of treating people. And can address all ideas, the unethical science, and the best science. And can add all absolutes in science, like human rights, they are actually science-based. All scientific laws translated to daily life and how things are absolute, thus the laws, and ways we treat people.
We can add the best environment of raising, and with absolutes only, so we can not add frauds, trying to rule the planet. But only the absolute science. Where all know why things happen. We can study all these things, and understand each part, and the computer can give the sum.
So, we could add will I fall when I jump out of the window, the computer should say yes, when…and no, when…
And, it should say: “This is illegal in these places, and when…and, punishment should be?”Or, “ No punishment, but a lesson about …is needed… “Or, “ Punishment and lessons are needed and in this way that is best… “
This also stops dark triad to enter jobs, they would try to change the machine. And keep the most morbid parts of this job, killing people, or trying to kill more people. Wanting to be in this system pretending to do this system, but than hijack, or change things, and be morbid in the end. And worse over time. They want jobs for a long time, where they can make it worse over time. They want a bad change.
This system prevents that and should detect that and be focused on always finding dark triad and frauds. And have absolutes like human rights, that can never be changed. And is checked on changers, changing, and why.
A dark triad seeks loss of human rights, ethics, and science wants chaos, and crimes, and has no empathy.
The types of crime at work
They are lying, frauding-> Machiavelli, especially in government positions.
They are selfish -> narcissistic
They are morbid, changing for a dark plan-> Psychopath
We can also make a map with what law counts where?
We have some differences in the laws, always the same human rights, and ethics, but we have regions, places, that should be completely a system that is one, so a system could make all more a world that is one, where all get the same rights, but there are differences now, that a map could show.