Clear And Unbiased Facts About SOCIOLOGY, and why it is changing, into a better science. (Without All the Hype)
You need in any study, input, process it, and create output. What kind of input you need, actually depends on what you want to know. You do not need to think society is a power struggle, institutions, because they once were made and still there, despite all studies work on getting them away, as it is proven not the best, same for all jobs, we can change the field. What one ever thought in the sixties, is not ethical, per se, today. As we already know in all studies how extremely unethical all was back then, and we changed all because of it. None raises kids like that anymore, with clear reasons.
You wonder, and search, therefore get input, and process it and create automatically output.
You can recall the processed input and will have output, and also speech, because speech is within the working memory and develops by the in and output, constantly going in and out the working memory.
Through your senses, the input comes, into the brain. You will always guess, because of it. The senses are in between you and the environment. You always wonder and can only compare yourself to other people, if you guess they are there. It is not strange to think nothing is there, as humans can never be sure.
You need you, and your processing, all the people need to get the right input, to get the right output. We can not leave sociology this way.
Learn more about the memory, here.
Sociology is a bit a shocker, a wrong study. Very unethical.
Most shocking, the lack of maturity to see it, in the group studying this. We need the study of the brain and society, the brain and how we are social, and how it damages, or not.
And the realization, they themselves, with their social studies, just came from schools. Where indeed schools create political preferences. So unbrainwash the brain, would be such a logical study, from them. Reflecting on the past, changing the future for other people.
This institution idea is not even allowed by human rights, you have the right to develop and have your own ideas and political preferences. Schooling has to be an extension of your own home.
Learn more about this, here.
We expect, sociology, as a study part of psychology, to find the truly best ways in society.
Scientifically, totally ethical, and really the solution to problems. Not a promotion of bad society, and undermining all science, and wishes people have.
They, need to learn to think of what should we design, create, do with people? When is it not violating anything? As all want privacy, and have the right to be themselves, and the goal of every person is to be themselves. What does science really say? What is science? What is the truth? What is absolutely true? What does it all mean? And what do you mean? When should you mean something to others? What do all these people mean to you? What should it mean? And then, what can we do together?
What do we need to get all the basic needs done correctly? So, none is in hunger, or in need of anything. How do we close the poverty gap?
It is proven we have to give money, 50% of all the people will never be able to close the gap.
Where you are born is therefore where you end up. So, what is the real math we need to do to get all that money done?
8000 is the highest average income, in Switzerland. So, that has to become every human being's minimum income, never lower again, to close the gap. It is still not closing all gaps, we still will have 8000 pp pm, and a lot of differences above that, but at least the minimum is a closed gap, all equal.
Think of all the studies one can do with that amount? 8000*12= 96.000 per year. So, about 100.000. A child can save this up. A teen can save this up. An adult can save this up, just 1 year. Another year they can save up all money for a home. Another year, for their own business. So, if teens own their own money, or young adults stay home a little while and get this money, all is set for the rest of their lives. And the next years, they can afford kids, and new homes, and cars, and all things, and food, and change some times a business. But all earn, too.
Learn more about this, here.
Sociologists create a world of DT, as crime starts with peers.
In institutions, and without the parents, while the duty of Human Rights is, an adult world, where we help the kids.
The type of sociologists we actually need, would not create that. They would be studied on this, and make sure we all get a better environment, home, mirroring emotions, engaged. Helping the kids achieve, their will, preferences (means their true selves, authentic selves, and done authoritatively, thus without DSM, simply sophisticated and developed. )
As we can expect there are still people with wishes to show off their talents, now they have all the money they need to develop. They will earn.
Sociology needs awards like the Nobel price, attached to the field, to find the best ideas for people.
Critical thinking is what professors in sociology do ask for, now we must actually do it, within the sociology field.
They want us, to write, examine the things they think, research, and write about it. All the fields did already so much work, sociology can take a lot of it, and combine it into scientific laws.
So, they can expect, right there, we change the entire field, right away. As science will be the truth, and not bias, myths, nor just something we think. So, logically you can sense where the field should go, and will already know here where it will go. And it can not stay in the way it now is, where one studies power struggle, society institutions, and work. That is not a society.
The community we all have different ideas on, that is sociology in real.
Lots of different ideas on what it is. It is a goal to make everything evidence-based.
The actual basic study…
Human rights, the boundary in the entire field, and the first study one must do. (anyone must anyway)
Ethics, another duty.
Sciences, and the Scientific method.
We are human thus you must be a biologist, you work with people. We live on earth and within the universe, so there is chemistry and physics, and all the other sciences.
This is just a starter…
Also, seek the fascists and Dark Triad in jobs, and get them out of there, and change their behaviors, and ideas, into healthy thinking and behaving.
It is not about we will do what we want in that way, but can we? Is it true? It is about what you think and is that really true. Not can we think this and win the world.
Being authentic means not, we can damage, or rule others.
Being authentic means we are developed, and thus we do not hurt others. But it is naturally developed, and not forced with fascism. Authoritarians create ODD and fear. Authoritative raising creates no DSM, as the only raising style.
Also, because they skip science as if the world besides science would be more true…
They might think so, but that is typically the wrong idea, not so expertise, thus untrue, thus we must question them a lot.
You do expect all these things we just discussed in sociology, precisely. That is where they must change into, as that would be the only sociology.
Concerned about people, together, how they can be themselves, together, thus authoritative raised. And how they can not end up as criminals, thus higher literate, and honor codes, and good people in the jobs, as examples, good people in the groups, so the group changes into being good.
And never into this… Power struggle, institutions, and the work ideas they have. As they are already proven unethical and many years… This is old, but still accurate science, all other sciences still use, because it is so absolute.
The ethics came from these mistakes, and are duty, thus a basic for sociology too.
From your personal development to profession, and attraction to ideas.