Free Christmas gifts.
Just a book to read this Christmas, and to give to other men.
Good gifts for Men. Free books.
The morale of Man, you can not just put a man into a uniform to make him a soldier. This book from 1921 explains how morale is affecting man. (Munson, et. al, 1921)
Art to do this Christmas.
The art of caricaturing. (Smith, 1941)
Physics, and from the original makers…
The real words from the real men.
A boy’s book.
The legends of the Panjâb
Another boy’s book: Frankenstein
Frankenstein 1818 edition
The kama sutra of Vatsyayana.
Christmas can get interesting…
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Merry Christmas!
Vogrinčič, A. (2008) The Novel-Reading Panic in 18thCentury in England: An Outline of an Early Moral Media Panic. Retrieved from file:///home/chronos/u-9ce4d3d954b844dab65e76fb5d8e60fe26fcbe73/MyFiles/Downloads/09_Vogrincic_A.pdf
Munson, Lyman, E. Miller, and Harrison, A. (1921) The management of men: a handbook on the systematic development of morale and the control of human behavior. USA: NY/New York: H. Holt
Smith, M. (1941) THE ART OF CARICATURING. USA: IL/Chicago: DRAKE, F. & CO. PUBLISHERS. Retrieved from
Newton, I. (1846) Newton’s Principia: the mathematical principles of natural philosophy. USA: NY/New-York: Published by Daniel Adee Retrieved from
Temple, Richard Carnac. (1884) The legends of the Panjâb.India: Bombay, Education Society’s Press. Retrieved from
Shelley, M. (1818) Frankenstein edition 1818. Retrieved from
Vatsyayana; Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares (c1883–1925) The Kama sutra of Vatsyayana. Benares; New York: Printed for the Society of the Friends of India. Retrieved from