Bullied by social work, intimidating with taking my kids away. That is the daily job today for all workers, where all our kids are trafficked away.
Social work thinks that human trafficking is a job, so they took it. As someone trafficking foreigners to a country thinking that is a job, it is available and lots want it, “want to be trafficked”, they think, so they took it, and ask all that money, for a big bus full with people that will die along the way to another country. “For safety”.
But allowed no? Not even if judges signed for it. We would come to action, to say no.
But that is the IQ difference of social work, and the care fraud that they friend and us, and us with our ethics, human rights, a higher level of input, and understanding.
I am an environmental psychologist, that is a designer. I am a psychologist, manager, teacher, scientist, leader, writer, studying to be an MD. Now studying my BSc. Health Science, and after that Medical Studies. I am already an equivalent Ph.D. level. Because of my Dutch situation, where I am bullied the many years in the work field, I got valued Ph. D level, but still need the degrees. So, the old system in Holland had no degrees, none of them, and they bully us out of that. Not respecting the world system, and the logical studies we must. It is even the national insurance plan, for my disability, in my case, else I could not work. I need real degrees. I studied lots to keep up, while they delayed my degrees studies, and got valued this level when I had to suddenly, waiting till they had the problems solved in that insurance problem, where the new locals, as I had moved, refused the plan made by the doctors, etc from that insurance plan in the other town. I was even abused, also physically. All to deny that plan. It did not help them. Me neither, but that did happen. I only learned more about the crime scenes that had developed. In that previous town, it was that insurance and fraud of all money from the national government with their “national” but local jobs. And the schools abused kids and frauded the same way. Started by the foundations of the schools, so the companies above them that are actually the boss of more schools in those regions. We saw everything happening to kids.
The new locals even traffick kids. And fraud with the cops and local gov and social work even more, into human trafficking. Just triggered by my job, as I had to move to be safe, to a secret address, they loved to expose and trafficked my kids. And to abuse them. And hurt and damage some more. So, indeed you hear they miss the logic and empathy, and human approach to families and children, especially after abuse, which they knew all about before I moved to here, but the moment we lived here they exploited and trafficked, and had planned the trafficking. And choose to abuse even some more.
All I asked was some peace and the laws for the schooling of my kids, which other cities already had demanded us what to do, and is the lawful correct answer, plus the national gov had said the same, also had helped us with this move for safety, but locals loved to show their crime scene. As they have lots of crime at work.
I studied my work.
Which the locals and some majors can not understand. As they do not study, the fraud and are criminals. A working person understands me and gets all the laws for us to talk about when I ask them. And can follow the plans made by the national gov, which they had told. And can have normal conversations with others, and do not use trafficking to get out of complaints, when laws are asked. Have the normal routes, and can show the laws for them, and do not hijack kids from another route to have money and work. Don’t play diagnosers when not allowed. Do not take over some other job. Do not even suggest to go there. As that ain't the legal route, and simply an opinion, and political preference, a will of someone else. The duty is that kids tell themselves what they want, and we understand that, and do not falsy interpret that, nor abuse that.
Also, they do not feel triggered to go to this mentally ill and crossing the borders and laws. Also, not when one offers the illegal route to laundry and signature papers as a judge. Us not criminal, not mentally ill understand how naive they are, thinking a boss then helped them. Then it's ok. That is so small-minded. So, not professional, nor studied. We can think of some, and sometimes a lot have to be jailed when that job has the power-seekers attracted to that job. They are not, no human, they all are equal to the law. We do not see them as supplies to use as well, as narcissists see them using to getting the things they want.
As I especially am trained to help all kids, it was very suspicious for all working in this country.
All noted the same thing: Human traffickers, crime, abuse, criminals at work.
Where I understand them because when I studied a small major like teaching school I knew all studying that miss psychology, and laws, and human rights and ethics studies and many studies, to understand to be a lawyer, or someone else related to those jobs.
You can study yourself human rights and be a professional doing human rights ok.
And helping the work field to not violate the laws. Where nothing is an opinion. All is the law, which is not allowed to be bend, twisted nor skipped.
So, I studied them. You just do not want to be in jail, because you went along with some people in a group, that made this a profession and actually skip the human rights, or do them wrong. That would be very dumb. And unnecessary, as you took the time to study to teach.
You know to study the things you miss and can learn them. You know that even more as you can teach others things.
But primary teachers miss a lot more.
They only studied the primary school subjects, and in our country, 55% is enough to pass, so from year 2 kids are smarter than you. From year 1 even, as you let kids skip classes when they can do the next with A’s. Else skipping has no use. The kids would fall back to lower grades missing the A’s. The only thing I had to have 85% or higher was dutch math, no algebra or so, and Dutch language, which is not C2 or so. English is a b1, with 55% or higher at that level, so the Dutch language itself is about that. As English and Dutch are our 2 languages in Holland, and we must study them both.
So, when an Englishman or Englishwoman hears us speak, that bad English is the bad Dutch we speak as well. Which makes the demand to speak good Dutch to foreigners the more criminal than it already is.
The entire system is this way, frauding way, the new has to be perfect, it is not delivered but they are the best of all, and bullied. And none is the best in the end, and all before them, use them. Same as with kids. Just used in the system.
But you know that now, at that time in teacher school we had to make the future school.
In my time at teachers' school there were frauds, the bosses, spending too much on buildings and not on the teaching quality, and then frauded the money they got from the government away. That is how teachers were raised, so now, since my kids were in schools, they all do, but with any money from the government, even money from the parents. We had to steal the money from the school, cash money. And treating themselves as teachers on trips to New York etc. Oh oh if the boss just creates that idea… huh? ;l
Then it seems needed. They even let kids run, so miss could go to Nepal.
And our parents had to pay. She had abused the entire class, hated us all, and her own kid got abused, and because the other one got the New York tripped paid by the boss, she had that idea. So, all the kids had to earn her money. Their grades dropped, was a fraud. She hated them. And I knew cause at home my kids were doing uni classes, and classes further in high school, not even primary. And the particular grades she gave, I had checked, so someone had changed the grade, or said the weirdest things to her that day. She could do that all at home and a lot more. As I knew that years, but checked cause a fall back makes you wonder…
How I felt…
What do you think? I had been to that school, teaching school, had had the same bad bosses stealing money, changed fields, became psychologist, and a lot more than that, and never felt the need to be a stealer in the school, and especially an abuser, omg never. So, I had seen the shift. Saw who worked where, but knew we all work somewhere, changed fields and have kids in schools, we all know them, and know these shifts, so there are many more like me. Plus all talked about it and had fixed so many frauds and abusers situations in the schools. Only the new ones were tried to see if they knew nothing. And I felt let's catch them. All are against them. And they are so dumb to sit together in groups.
The next example they would understand:
What if daycare abused kids, it happens a lot in Holland, but the type of abuse they all would ring the cops, and do their work.
Now the idea social work
They are below us, and teachers school and psychologists and etc. Just everything, they are the lowest study major.
Do you catch them already? We all must cause they work there…
They even keep abuse up. They have put themselves, for their money, their earning possibilities in between our professions. To feel bigger than they are. They are useless, and not any job. Would you demand all entertainers as forcers of kids, to a court? They saw something, they accuse of something, and they with their profession know people. Are they the new traffickers?
No, but all of us must force these social workers out of our field. As a doctor is not allowed to have them around, your opinion is only for you. If you suggest social work, for what disease? Etc. It can never be your opinion or an unstudied idea. Nor another profession than you do there… Etc.
So, people expect the real job, not different trafficking routes by you who they trust. It is like forced marriage, where dads would suddenly marry you one day to your cousin. That is human trafficking. Now they abuse our work fields.
By now I studied many fields and I know all managers go through this.
As my job is designing plans to create better environments so DSM and Crime leave the workplace, and raising is a huge part of that. And I create more plans, also in Healthcare, and education. And the main thing is I had to study a lot from the first plan I had, as I had to get these criminals off the workplace.
I was student psychology, to use all the psychology for more jobs, as I always have to combine my jobs, since that plan made by the government so I can work. Writing books, making songs, teaching kids, making online schools, creating a new environment for kids. The most sophisticated environment.
Then, the crimes in the current schools by the teachers, I changed into management with lots of psychology as well. And learn what makes better teachers, and the best environment for kids and teaching. Which is homeschooling, self-directed study, and a world to study, like an introverted world. Where I knew already authoritative raising is the only correct style, which creates no DSM. I had to add no crime, how to raise no crime. That is a higher education level and honor code.
I found out a lot about the best education ways. And found more environmental psychology to create more environments for humans. Which is psychology designers study.
And, I love that, I had done some designing school before, years ago. It all together fits who I am, and what I have studied.
I love most weather influences and changes in behavior and thoughts. And all influences on human thoughts and behaviors.
And wanted to just work internationally, as I had become an international leader. Then, I had these locals after locals and the entire country with this problem. Social work, though, has also international problems. So, finally, I get to my original work, international leading.
But my goal is, knowing all these influences and know the influences on the thoughts and behavior and simply design the best environment and know the “weather” of the influences for everyone's life, so they can change the weather.
Now, I have that, and lots of local stuff, all about legal things, and codes, and rights, and ways to be better, and not be criminals. As the work field is full of crimes and extremists. It is a priority and has to be done first. So, I try to get all at once, the entire world-leading plan for all humans, so all have a better environment.
But although they downgrade, as dark triad, I know my work is important. I have seen so many more students, professors, and people, I know what we all find. They just have an illness and can not process the world the way we normal healthy people do. They have different motives and ideas.
The most you can be disappointed in all letting this happen
All these professions using the easy route of social loafing, bystander effect and finding no point to say no with their professions, while it is their duty. And shows exactly what they are, with no point, no point in life directing them well. We all have a point directing us away from crimes, them not. They lack such points.