Born XY female and abused constantly by locals, thinking I am a girl. Abuse to females and males.

Jiska Hachmer
6 min readMay 10, 2020


It is good that I am surprisingly XY female. We see now who is bad at their jobs, and who is abusive even totally wrong. None is allowed to abuse, or to pretend we need them, as we do not. Not one is allowed to steal kids away, especially with these lies, and insane ideas these locals have. But the good thing is, I am XY, they do it even to their males as if they are females. They abuse typical males in a certain way, and females in a certain way, while none were allowed to be abused. And there are so many more genders. More than 60 genders, they abuse as 2 genders. Locals, their own insanity complete. What a sad brainwash in each of their minds, done by whom? For what insanity? Break their minds, and create equally, as that is our duty.

Note. Do not even mention I am female or male, do not even know us. Bring the kids back, and vanish. We had constantly our rights, they denied it, but still had and have to bring it. No matter the local frauds, and their extreme abuses, we remain our rights. No matter what judge frauded, pretending to be a person allowed to judge, as this case was not at all ever allowed with that type of judge. There was already a route, that had to be followed, and the locals have been hiding behind their ways, they abuse everyone the same way, with their stereo loud, in typing, making all ridiculous, but not even one right to pretend this chaos was allowed. Still all the abuse not allowed, plus the denying of rights and right route, and still them not the right route, and exploiting people, human trafficking, to benefit even, only themselves, just hijacking, to earn, pretending this is the correct way.

All dutch gov companies said, no. And it remains by law, no. So, Dutch jail them, with the hardest punishment, and set every child free, now.

This is also an ombudscycle, no one is ever allowed to live this, again, never again.

Born XY female.

Dutch low literate, not finding that out, me finding it out, through DNA tests, and Gedmatch, and uploading my Y-DNA.

Northeast locals, laughing as dark triad at us as if we are girls, three girls. And totally abused for being female. The truth, we all are not just girls. I am a boy. To been abused for being female, is insane, to any of us three. These locals lost, in their own abused mind, now a criminal, discriminating, and torturing with myths and bias, and just any crime.

Or lost in the next abuse, and stealing some more kids from everyone with the next made up discrimination, showing their own criminal minds, only.

No matter what I am, or my kids are, they abuse. When I am female, when I am a female with a job, when I am male and with a female body, just always, because of they just only abuse.

When we are smarter when we are studying better than them when we are more ourselves than them when we have more friends than them. All they try is jealous torturing people. These locals lost in their own borderline. Lost in the criminal crime spectrum, we see their sad past. Abused by these locals. In a good world, you could not exist as you, locals.

But there is this duty, to accept us, and let us choose all we choose, not one right, ever allowed to fill in, for any of us.

Locals discriminative.

Cutting off the hair of my children, from beginning laughing at us, changing our looks, and pretending we are not good enough, using their own no will to give us our rights, and using it together in a group to abuse us. Shows their discriminations for years to all children. Not letting them be. Right away laughing at them, and me.

Northeast dutch showing their low literacy, discriminations, extremism, fascism, extreme crimes, and abuses, for years they do. And Rutte shows he is part of this, and lets this happen, for years. All next president the same, if he or she lets this continue, you are aware of it already and had to change it all days before.

We now know the core of their world, of abuse as children. Being denied all rights to speak and be.

Abused for being female or male.

All typical abuses. All delusional, because many are something else. No empathy means no lessons learned on people. All brainwashed in lies.

Abusing everyone from the low literacy in their mind.

And the brainwashes they lived through, now abusing everyone. Not able to understand anything but abuse. And feeling big with that. No real ability to care, that is only who they are. Stuck in their local crimes, as they raised each other that way. Only into crimes, and power abuse. None of them ever allowed to be outside, with people. Not with any child, not with any family, they showed not to be part of them, by abusing them.

Missing who they themselves are.

Sad locals never found out themselves, and who they are, what letter represents them, and more letters there are then these. But they only told their world there is male and female, and straight. How to explain a male, with XY. Both female and male, only the female has a penis. How I know, I am an XY female, a boy with a female body. And then the many orientations each X and Y can have. And what if you are XXY, or XYY, etc. There are so many types. All letters their own orientation. And the mix is you.

The abuses they do to themselves, as fascists, also to all others. Trying to eliminate any person alive, to control everyone and everything with their mind. The biggest abuse they do to be a fool, to themselves, and all see them fall. As truth is not that brainwash they kept in their minds, they abuse people with. The truth is all these letters, and orientations, per person a personal sum of life and body, mind and soul, and God. All themselves, but these locals never become oneself. While that means, denying your DNA, your feelings, your mind, your soul, your body, your God, your path through life. While that was your only duty. One is not allowed to judge anyone, control anyone, or tell anyone what to do. And never allowed to deny rights, and fill in any of the rights for one, never. You only have your own rights, your own body, mind and soul, and God, and your job too. Is not to ever rule anything, or anyone. There they went wrong, and look even dumb and foolish. As the criminals, they are, stuck in bigger crimes they have done for years, and never understood how big that is.

They even have the criminal mind, thinking, oh then we tell everyone what they are!

There is never any right to discuss this, control this, to rule this, to tell anyone what they are. Go find yourself! Phobic, crazy, full of DSM locals, get a life, go focus on you, bring all kids back home, and leave this country, and any contact with people, as ya were so wrong, and dangerous to yourself and anyone, and only coming from lies and brainwashes. The duties never left you. Go, learn what they always are.

We all know how small beings they are, lacking knowledge and with their sick urge to control.

Ending up only in crimes and abuse is a small mind.



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