Become an MD like me. Find your personal studies and development. See how fellow students do. And see how I do. You can do this too.

I know you can because I do too.

Jiska Hachmer
7 min readApr 19, 2020

I started in 2003(I am 37) studying in my first studies, after my high school studies. After some traveling and work experience. Changed some degree studies, and in the end, all these studies I have done is one and the same all a part of the curriculum for MD/psychologists and environmental psychologists consultants, now studying to get my degree as an MD, after my BSc. Health Science. So, along the way, you will find out who you are, and what you will become. I think you will find a core of who you are during your studies, choosing the modules that fit you and finding out during studies you like some things or not. And will choose more studies fitting your preferences along the way. And in these studies, there are so many things you can become. I want to work with the fMRI and MRI and EEG at first, to do research and work as a psychologist. But that will change in my studies after this degree into my MD/psychologist studies and work. So, I also see how we can work for some years in one part of health, and some other years in another part of this big field.

You can study too to become an MD, there are a lot of types of MDS and routes to becoming one. Follow my path and follow our fellow students. See, how tough it can be, and how fun, and how many feel an imposter syndrome while studying this, but also find how many students go through the same. And you can join. You can express yourself, and show how much you know already. It is a long ride, with a lot of knowledge you will work with. I think all you study you will use, and lots of your studies can be a job on its own. It is really lots of studies. It feels like some degrees at once. It is exactly the way vloggers show you.

I have my company’s Essence and write and lead in environmental psychology and I follow my degree studies online, but it is about the same as going to a school building. It is lots of learning, and day and night a feel. And in the hospital when you end up there, it is shifts of 24/48/96 hours a lot of times, the vloggers already an MD show the truth about that, I think, so it is good to already be in that schedule, I personally think. It is the way that lifestyle is.

One of the good things is you can actually understand the covid19 situation as well, and help out with all you know.

And continue the studies to be the next MD in the next pandemic. Of course, you need your focus on your studies, it is tough enough. But for me it feels really good to be able to help after about 7 years I studied social epidemiology, and all these other studies since then, and use them now.

And just all the modules help out. Changing bad behavior. Knowing to eat healthily. Knowing data science. Knowing social epidemiology. Understanding the virus and how trials go. Creating journal articles, and join the working people to solve Covid19 pandemic.

My studies till today.

I studied therapies, stress, unconscious/consiousness and was a practitioner at first finding stress in the body, and studying elementary teaching. I was a singer, but I wanted to have degrees and love studying, I saw lots of musicians become psychologists, and with Ph.d.’s. I wanted to start my own school, teach my own kids or at least change education because we were learning all modern things for education at that school, and it was not yet achieved in the schools we had in our country. I wanted to find out what the best curriculum is for children, and how children can be themselves and find the studies they like, and how we can teach from a young age tougher subjects, for example, smart kids studying modules at universities. And have my practice.

Then I changed elementary teaching into psychology. I couldn't finish the internship, physically it was to tough, I have pelvic instability, since the pregnancy of my second child, and that was needed to finish that study with a degree. I wanted educational psychology and more psychology and therapies to study, so, transferred, to psychology. Because of a move between regions, the new region wasn't following our dutch law that well and the plan made by the government company that makes plans for people that get disabled.

I strived from 2012–2020 on this. And got back the same plan, but I had some years Coursera helped me through and I specialized thanks to them in some subjects, Data Science, management leading people and teams and SEL for teachers, and project management. I still need my degree, as that is the official plan, and because the locals were extremely criminal, even physically abused me, and my kids had hell in the schools with abusing teachers, we moved again, the plan was put back to the original plan, but my degree study had to start again at another university, and I had studied a lot at this time, hand gained a few “jobs” and diploma’s, also started my new company, and want to be an MD/psychologist. So, I changed to BSc. Health Science, and finished some other degrees I was working on, as I am an equivalent Ph.D. but because of the locals, I don't have the degrees, and I need the degrees.

Many studies come back in these degree studies as modules. So, all these studies I did are parts of environmental psychology and medical studies and health studies. Now, I will finish my degrees and do an MD master after this.

These studies I do are one big study on the same, but it sounds like many jobs. It is all a part of one job, creating healthy environments. And I look at the influences, and design better environments, using science.

From 2013 I studied social epidemiology, and at first as a psychologist to change behavior, and as elementary teaching, and educational psychologist to create better environments for kids, using the medical sciences, and prepare for lockdown and pandemics.

I added management to get crime and DSM/personal problems out of the work floor, especially with kids. As the locals were extremely criminal, but all had the same core reason: low literacy and hunger crime, coming from the bad environment they grew up in. And that caused their personal problems and DSM and crimes.

So, I focused on this essential core of input that we need to develop healthily. We can drop the crime rate with this core idea, and personal problems and grow up healthy, and have a good personal development, become authentic and autonomous.

So, all was a bit the same all the time MD/psychology is actually what this all means in the core of it, I just need my degrees for it, to be officially an MD/psychologist.

Few MD to follow as students.

What do you want to be?

You can start from different points to become MD

  • BSc Health Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Medschool

All have biology as the major.

I suggest being good at this first. And score A on this. Then all other modules. And I suggest studying lots on, first, and find the curriculum of your studies you want to study and do already lots of the modules, so you know already all. Also, I suggest trying the same modules from many universities, to see how teachers teach the same a bit differently. To get used to science and how we all add, and how we do, do the same, but it is also a personal study, a personal collection of science.

And, also and earn EQF 5 diplomas. You will see nutrition and the other diplomas come back in the BSc studies, as modules.

I like to study preventive medicine, and also have modules like health psychology and other health modules. So, for me this BSc. Health science fits.

I study after many modules online in lots of schools my BSc Health Science.

See my fellow student Doreen.

And this is true. Soon you are smart, to make these websites yourself.

Also, the imposter syndrome. I had it in no profession before, but BSc Health Science, I think because it is a dream, and it is such a great study. Everyone should study it. We might still all feel this imposter syndrome and just dare to continue. And learn what it means that we all can be smart in medicine. The more study this the more we see a different world, where everyone can understand these topics.

After your bachelor's, you can continue with masters, and after that Ph.D., or being a professor/ teacher/ manager, etc.

Few MD masters are online. Most are in schools, and Ph.D. even less online than a master. But you could be already an MD and add another Ph.D. that is done online. It all depends on the type of MD you want to be. You can start as an MD in the residence years.


Online high school, to get higher grades.

When you find along the way you miss basic things, you can study in 1.5-year online highschool with a good curriculum and go through all again, with good teachers online.


Online MD degrees



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