Astrology is the science of influences of stars and planets on behavior. Find out when astrology thinks you will be married.

When will you be married?

Jiska Hachmer
6 min readFeb 21, 2020

I think astrology shows the influences on the process of your life. The positions the stars, and planets have influences on you, and you can read the known influences. Science tells you about these stars, and the influences they would have on behavior.

You can puzzle out influences on you, like the ties on the water the moon causes.

Life has rhythms with us.

We know in biology life has a rhythm with us. All in life has rhythms. If animals, and elements, like water, can have rhythms in life, we can have rhythms in life. Our body has many processes with rhythms, and we have many rhythms in our daily life.

Our elements within us can have rhythms in life, also can be influenced. Influences by stars and planets are the science of astrology.

We should see as deep as this…

And know all influences from stars and planets on all these micro-processes. To know the sum of what happens with us too. All these smaller processes combined are us. Who we are. And all parts are influenced by so much.

Astrology is the science of the influences on behavior by stars and planets.

Just use the science steps, that is science. That is real science, we just need to it.

Make a thesis, research thesis, and hypothesis of all research theses you have found about the influences on behaviors by stars and planets.

As it is science when you do the science steps.

And we have to do that very detailed, to see all the responses because of the stars and planets to all parts in life, and animal life and human life. And then, thus their rhythms in life.

We need to collect all the responses of all elements and all the stars nearby and further away, and their combinations of influences on our behavior of all elements, and life.

You can puzzle out all the influences of all the stars and planets on you, and your marriage.

You can use the ideas of houses and signs, you could make new astrology, with new words for all you find in the universe that influences behavior. And you could make a new system for that.

You can now use other people’s ideas about houses and signs. You can look up all kinds of astrology systems, and use them:

  • So, if you see all the signs and the influence that would have on your behavior.
  • Then all the houses.
  • And then puzzle out the total influence, in each part of your life.

You get a story about the influences of stars and planets on your behavior.

See the next things to find your marriage.

  • Are you having planets in house 7 or 5?
  • Where is your 7th sign anti-clockwise?

These are the signs to look at. Then count with the Vedic astrology method. And count the years. When do you find these important places in your charts? In what years?

All is a process. So start at 1. See all that happens to house 5 and 7. And see all connected to house 5, 7, and your anti-clockwise 7th sign. It is your story, of your marriage. And see all the years that would be different if you would marry now.

In the first years of your life, you build up knowledge and experiences, you do not yet know the experience of houses that will come next.

So, you would be surprised by marrying soon. But you can measure and see if that is good or bad. Are the next houses good houses, you can start young. But also if you will be caught when you fall, at IC, you can use each other to survive. Marriage is not a bad idea. But all depends on the partner, and is that the real one, that your stories shows? And combined? Are you that one in your partner's charts.

Learn to read the charts like a book. The book on life and love.

You do need to read all the signs, and all houses, and make it one story. You do need to understand every 12 years you pass by this story, and all the stars get a new place, only the sun stays the same. That is the basis of who you are, and what your life will constantly be about. And what the rest changes a little, but remains as you, as your true foundation.

  • Your sun in house 7 or 5, is showing this is your basis. A marriage is who you are. The other planets and stars are a story within the one big process of house 7 or 5.
  • Your sun moves about every 250 years into 2 houses. Your story develops that way. And then will go back to the house it was 250 years ago. You remain this way. This is who you are.
  • Read the other signs, and find the 7th anti-clockwise. That shows your marriage.
  • Find when that planet is going into house 7. This could be a way to get married.

When your 7th sign is the sun, it will not go further than one other house and will go back to the house it started in. Your marriage is then determined on:

  • Where that 7th sign is.
  • Other signs that are connected to this 7th sign. What does that story tell you?
  • And the years belonging to the house it is in.


So, house 1 is year 1 of your life, and 13, and 25 and 37, etc. If you have sun there, you appear. House 1 is appearance. Is it in Scorpio, you appear with love. Is it connected to house 7, you are married to someone from abroad. You do have a love life. You just need to interpret this. And you see every few years you come to this point of marrying that abroad love. The rest of the story is all these other signs, houses and what they tell you. And will influence this marriage.

What will you do? Does your personal story tell you marriage is best early? Or later on? And what do all the other planets and signs and houses say?

I would try to track down all of this story and try to follow what happens to you. And try to find data from many others, and see how they fit with you.

You will need to learn to interpret all these people, and what it means to you.

Then combined charts show love.

You can have past life loves, business partners, twin flames, etc. But you need to know when do you marry that one?

  • Interpret your chart.
  • All the charts of all others you know.
  • Combined with all of them.

And see when you would meet the one. And what type this is. And could it be the same person? Are all these signs and houses connected to one story?

Your life will guide you through this story. Every few years you know more.

Then when found love

What if you married before?

  • The first time you would be in the house of the 7th sign anti-clockwise.
  • The first time in house 5 and 7.
  • The first time when you pass all the connected signs and houses, connected to house 5, 7 and anti-clockwise 7th sign?

See, it is one big process.

Then find in each chart answers, of you and your love, and the combined charts.

It is one big story. And see if the person is fitting your story, and you theirs. And what does combined now say?

You could have gotten married at 18. Or 30. Or 42.

You pass constantly that 7th sign anti-clockwise and houses 5 and 7.

But you will learn it is one big story, with a start and end, and many stories in between, where you pass all these signs and houses. And also those special moments.

Where you actually started married, but need to find that one. And where you will go through many processes like spirituality, and thoughts, stability, appearance, being without the parents, working, being a friend to someone, etc. And all will have influences on that one big process and marriage. And then at a point, you will find the one, that you could have married all these days before or after. The day does say where you were now. You will see the circumstances of now. And can work to get a better marriage. Make it all a plus, not a minus. Where you will get the positive and will protect you from negative, to make it the best.

But it remains one big story.

And you will see that when you found that one, and you will see where you stand to that person and where that person stands to you, in that big story.



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