Answered: Your most burning questions about power and how to control the world.
If you want world power, what would you need? What do you think? And, can we give world power to everyone? Can every person be powerful? Do we need slaves, to be powerful?
Authoritarians think slaves are needed to be powerful. They enslave, to live the illusion of people's control. They themselves are ill, thus slaves of mental illness. The ones kept are not slaves ever, as all people have their free will. You remain not theirs, you remain with secrets, own feelings. Even brainwashed, they only “own “ that part made in you, but you will make it something else than they expect, it is still an illusion you are “theirs”. Them, still slaves of their illusion they are someone else. All people live within themselves. None can be a God, always restricted to the self. This illusion they simply did not understand, as they are slaves of this feeling of power within themselves, and live only such thought.
Neglecting people, are slaves of a limited idea, and can only think this limited. Where they are not powerful, as power is knowledge. Being the smartest.
Impulsive raisers, are slaves of impulses, and can not control others, they only turn on addictions, and now all are not slave to you, but to their own mind, of feeling good following the good feeling the mind makes.
For all with input for other people, still, all input comes in. You, are just you, with your limited input for others. All people still get a total sum of input from everyone and everything and limited to the maxes of their own brain.
Authoritative people have most power as they understand each person is the same, unique, and needs to be autonomous, and will be equal, thus if you are powerful, all are, when raising them authoritatively, and you did that. So, they are themselves, but you had a power turning them on to fully develop. That is in total, and per person, the biggest power, also within.
- Understanding the self and others, being the smartest. (Who can raise animals, and most sweetly, and who can not? And, who can raise all humans, who can a few, who can none? That is a huge difference in power. Who can raise life, and create life, or goes back to nothing, cause it can not raise life. Death is smaller, then life. A bad life, near death, is smaller, then a good expanding good life, is more near the biggest power. Being God is creating life, and creating the best life that survives best. Especially a huge amount of best raising. And proven best raising is authoritative, none other, other only cause damage, and is bad, and smaller a power, and more enslaved to their own illness than raising others to be biggest.)
- Letting them all be best. Autonomous even. That’s a huge power. Teaching to walk, and let the person be themselves, good without you, when raised well, thus at the right moment, being like a God understanding when that is best, or just stealing people to pretend you know best. Last, is not powerful, as only the smartest is most powerful.
- Understanding F=m*a. Thoughts are mass, people are mass, and able to create the best power within the people. Being that good acceleration as well. Thus and the best start of the movement, of growth, and the best acceleration, especially when both. And then, understanding when the person is best autonomous and understanding self and others, especially when most near a God. All bad again is the smallest.
Also, after this, ethics, academic skills, the highest level of education and being smartest. And human rights.
Ethics, being good is smartest and most powerful, you can simply help all people be ethical and therefore be most powerful, especially when you understand the entire world needs that, every person.
Also, when you understand how all bad and crime rate gets lower, as that is no power. Power is the smartest, and best, pro-life and surviving and raising all best. The real best expanding is bigger than death and nothing.
Human rights, when you understand how all survive and in best ways, that is most powerful.
So, next, who is most powerful? Is that you? Can you make life best for all people on earth? And in the best ways?
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Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019) Scientific Laws and the brain: F=m*a, and velocity. Good input creates good output. Bad input is bad output and bad velocity. Medium. Retrieved from
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Hachmer, J. (8th of December, 2019) Ethics. 5 basic rules. Medium. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019)Ethicality: Ethics. Wholesomeness for every job and everyone. Medium. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (2nd of December, 2019) All jobs: Everyone can get the same results, in each job. Medium. Retrieved from