A quick way with 3 steps to stop crime and DSM at work.

Jiska Hachmer
9 min readJan 6, 2020


There are 3 steps to stop crime and DSM at work.

We are going deep in 3 steps. But when these 3 are done, you have a free of crime and DSM work floor.

First, we need an understanding of the fields of environmental psychology. How we change the environment, and how the environment changes us. Which is not one field of study.

  • It is all that creates and designs the best environments to live. From the education environment, raising environment, work environment to any environment.
  • There are biology, chemistry, physics, scientific laws, and higher ideas about life, development, humans, beings from the universe, etc. Where we want to design the best environment for.
  • And from psychology, biology, ecology point of view. Just anything that researched best environments. Where biology is always the basis as humans are biology: animals, beings, which we can not just have a philosophy about, these beings are real and are biology.

So the basis is biological and psychological and put into a design of the environment.

We can not be delusional about it else they die or get sick etc. It is a realistic approach to natural beings. People have basic needs and a need for a certain environment to survive and live best.

This is the basic, but you can come from any field to this.

So, there is environmental psychology, the design of the environments with all the research from all these fields.

  • And the design for the best raising environment, so the being will get the best influences and environment.
  • And, The best design for the best influences and environment at work.

We do have the answer to no DSM and no crime in life and at work.

So, we go from 1. environmental psychology to 2. raising without DSM and crime, to 3. working with no DSM and no crime. And we design the best for this.

  1. Environmental psychology.

Psychology, biology, geology, neurobiology, neuroscience, architecture. Designing better environments, fitting humans and life.

Where we have knowledge from all sciences, and like all sciences here we need the best research, thus scientific laws, to base all designs on the truth. Not just theories, but the truth.

Also, there is architecture, which not all environmental psychologists are architects. Environmental psychology is like interior design, design from decorators and design from architects.

So, all in this field has a place.

All these sciences, from associate to Ph.D. And from decorating design to architecture design. Designing the best environments.

Most environmental psychologists are Ph.D., some also architects.

  • Environmental psychology is mainly a study after psychology study and some other study, with biology, and ecology, and or design. You have a foundation in any of these studies.
  • You have independence with the foundations of any of the fields.
  • You have mastery in any of these fields.

You have environmental psychology as a total. A sum that makes this environmental psychology, and design.

Psychology is biological. Environmental studies, ecology, and biological. And you design with these studies, and some actually had design studies. I also use management to design the best environments.

You can start from any study, but you end up an environmental psychologist with a total of these studies. You can also do an official environmental psychology study, on any level, mainly at Ph.d. level.

So, what is right for humans?

I begin at the universe, with big history, to the development of life, animals, and human. From the beginning until the environments we live in today.

I studied what is the best environment to develop. Human life has the basic needs it needs, and a typical environment to develop in. Without warmth, there is no development, without the other basic needs, there is no further development. The basic needs we must get. We can not skip this in any design.

In psychology, biology, ecology, geology we have a certain environment we study.

  • Psychology: What people think and do. The best environments for the best development of behavior and thoughts.
  • Biology: Best environments for life. Interaction with the environment for animals, and human beings. From ecology, until molecular biology.
  • Ecology: Interaction between organisms, and with their physical environment.
  • Geology: Study of earth and the processes of organisms.

From all these fields we know what human need.

Study all these fields, and management, and understand the best for humanity. This is the first step.

I think all people need big history and environmental psychology, as we live on earth, are from the universe and all these subjects answer what humans are and what life is and what will happen to us, and what is best for humanity.

And get to the Ph.D. levels in these subjects.

2. No DSM and no crime through right raising styles and right way of education.

People need the right geological, ecological, biological environment. The basic needs, but also the right raising style.

Authoritative raising is the only right approach, that creates no DSM.

The crime rate goes down with higher levels of education and the honor code. Homeschooled people have the best results.

We can do a lot here to create the best environments for raising, studying, development, learning, and well being. Also, we can do a lot here, in teaching and coaching and managing people in the best ways.

We can create the best environments at work, but first, we need to get this right, the development of life and people.

3. No DSM and no crime at work.

Then, we go to workplaces. We can create with the same ideas of raising people the workplaces and can build on with management, and psychology. We can create the best environments and create the best input for people with our work.

No DSM we do in the same way as raising. No crime, we do with the honor code, the higher levels of education and we have all the management strategies to develop people at work.

We can use all the environmental psychology when we create products. We can use this research and these studies with ethics, and human rights and everything about creating the best, and the most sophisticated ideas. People simply need the best.

Also, emotional intelligence and empathy, and a basic at work are ethics.

Human rights protect these basic designs.

None is allowed to bend the human rights, we must get the basic needs, we must design all with the human rights in mind, we can not skip a law.


We can also not skip ethics rules, as I just mentioned.


This is one thing I do too. This is my work. And from here, after the 3 steps, we have the ombudscycles, to solve problems and to continuously solve the problems forever. So, the problems will never come back, also a long time after solving it. Criminals will never come back when we keep the cycles going, and DSM never comes back. We only make everything better over time, also when it is already solved. This is the second thing I do.

So, one is the design, and the three steps from environmental psychology, designing raising and work in this way we never have crime and DSM and have the best environments for people.

Two is the actual solving of all problems with human rights, protecting all these designs. And keeping all in life “clean” and good, forever, and even after soluting.

Projects to create the best environment

Lots, of projects, can come from this. As we have cases, and we have to create things that forever keep this going. We have to teach people, coach people and help people to solve. And need to create and design things that will keep them working on this even after the faults are solved.

So, we have:

  • milestones, while delivering the designs
  • and forever remembering and working on the cases, even when all is solved.

A lot more projects around this and with this

Big history and human development

I also, teach about big history and human development. Educational psychology and other psychologies, from the thresholds in big history, where humans developed, until today, with the designs.

Translation of scientific laws

Where I use scientific laws and help translate these scientific laws into daily life.

Addressing to sophisticated ideas

I do a lot of addressing to most sophisticated ideas. The core of it all is being most sophisticated. All the input we can address the real sciences and research.

Lots of faults in thinking and behaving are done by social myths, and social groups, as political preferences people have, but all need to be addressed to science and the true design we need, according to all the research, and thus the truth.


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