A glimpse of American schools and studies.

Jiska Hachmer
4 min readDec 7, 2019


The style is scientifically correct, thus you know, all you do and is asked of you is a correct thing to do and is asked correctly.

That being correct is the core of any study in America and should be understood.

As they always first give you a class to understand this and a class about what is asked. So, you can not make mistakes and will have a chance to get high grades, and it is fair. And you know how the school works, the class works, have introduced yourself, and have a clear vision with the syllabus on what you will do next term.

There is also a teacher, always high educated, Ph.D. is seen more often than anything below. And more likely a few Ph.D., or at least lots of studies highly in the bachelor system, and then at least one Ph.D. you see more often.

There academic skills high, C2 is the norm. There is no low education, from day one. School is school. To be honest I was always used to the American system. Not only DNA family, like dutch would thing oh familiar and take the word more like family, than known as known.

But in that way familiar, with the system, we would call Dalton. But America has like my schools al the special schools integrated as long as it is the best scientific thing to do. It is about giving the best to students. And therefore every student is right away activated and feeling the will to work. It is an honor.

And the honor code is not taken lightly as well, that is there everywhere. And a whole class on that too.

It is proven people who have an honor code do not cheat. (Ariely, 2009)But their school is also where you want to be, so why would you risk a leave from school, with a cheat?

Then an entire class on citing, and fairly from where you are now they bring you fast to where you should be. There are no gaps. Everything is checked and delivered. You are after such class really correctly scientifically proven the right level, and science works, there is sort of a guarantee when you have done the class you can do the next class with A’s too.

You look strange with low grades, something would not have gone right if you have that, and everything always goes right.

I saw all my classmates from around the world grow super fast in even the language. When at start some could barely speak English, after 9 weeks they have full conversations, but not just shopping at the supermarket class, fully academically correct, and able to do B2/C2…

I was stunned too, but I am Dutch, they are focused on earning on students, not on delivering best, nor honor codes, nor feeling any pride in that, all taught to us by not high educated. I was lucky I had one of the best in the Netherlands, but even those do not ever have the level of an American teacher.

Friends, or school.

In this system, and in my schools I had been to in the Netherlands, and that is similar, I wanted to go to the building, to the schools, or be online involved with the school, also after the schoolwork. I do not think that scientifically it is even more correct to homeschool because this worked for me. I do prefer online school, which is also scientifically correct the better way. But I do love interacting with all students, I distract them If I am honest and if I am doing all not for school with them, so, I do focus to stay on topic. School is what they pay for, I am their classmate like someone is or your cousin, or your supermarket cashier, or your anything else job related, or your friend. And it can be both like you can know the people that work, they can also be and your friend and cousin, etc. But being the one distracting all is even a violation of the codes. You are there to study, yes, indeed, me too, I pay for the study. It is like paying for a movie you wanted to see, you are not happy if the cinema changed the movie you paid for their personal favorites.
And, what if they ask you to leave the cinema with a smile, and tell all the others to come to see what they like you to see, as a surprise. That is fun a few times, but not all times.

High grades are made by this understanding. And this is just the start of school, and how the schools feel. It is a lot more and the experience is a lot deeper, but you are always assured you will get the best, will be directed the best, and will have a good future in the jobs you can do after the study.


Ariely, D. (2009) Why we think it’s OK to cheat and steal (sometimes) | Dan Ariely. Ted. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUdsTizSxSI

Concordia University. (6th of November, 2012) Are home-schooled children smarter? Concordia University. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGp4KFLuQNc&t=270s



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