36 questions to ask to fall in love

A magical set of questions to fall in love together…

Jiska Hachmer
6 min readApr 16, 2020

The article shares 36 questions to let strangers fall in love.

“One key pattern associated with the development of a close relationship among peers is sustained, escalating, reciprocal, personal self-disclosure” Jones, 2015.

plus 2–4 minutes staring in the eyes.

The questions are put in sets to be more and more close, personal, escalating, sustained and reciprocal.

If you had a diner guest, who it have to be?

Want to be famous?

Do you rehearse a phonecall and why?

What is a perfect day?

When did you sing for yourself and for others?

If you could be 90 would you want the 30-year-old body, or mind for the last 60 years?

What's your hunch about your death?

What do you and your “stranger” you now ask these questions to and asks you the same questions, have in common?

For what are you most grateful?

What would you change about how you are raised?

Tell your life story in 4 minutes and most details.

If you could wake up tomorrow with a new ability what would it be?

If a crystal ball could tell the truth about the future what would you ask?

What have you dreamed of to do and why haven't you done it yet?

What's the greatest accomplishment in your life?

What do you value most in a relationship?

What is your most treasured memory?

What's your most terrible memory?

If you would die in a year how would you change your life? Why?

What does friendship mean?

What roles do love and affection play in your life?

Share 5 positive things about this “stranger”.

Was your childhood happier than others?

How do you feel about your mom?

Make three statements, we both are feeling…?

Finish the sentence: I wish I had someone which whom I could share…

What does this stranger need to know about you?

What do you like about this stranger?

Share an embarrassment moment.

When did you cry in front of others? And alone?

What do you like about this stranger you share these questions with, already?

What is too serious to be joked about?

If you die now, what would you regret not have said? Why didn't you?

In a fire what one item would you save?

Who s death in your family is most disturbing?

Share a personal problem ask his advice.

And do the 4-minute stare…

And did it work?

See these videos…

My answers



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