Published inThe birth of my husbandThe birth of my husband Part 21And the birth of my kids with me, back again.Apr 27, 2024Apr 27, 2024
Published inThe birth of my husbandThe birth of my husband (Part 20)And the birth of my kids with me, back again.Apr 15, 2023Apr 15, 2023
Published inCovid-19 collectionCovid killed 40% more pregnant women in 2021"1,205 pregnant women died in 2021, representing a 40 percent increase in maternal deaths compared with 2020 when there were 861 deaths…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
Published inThe birth of my husbandThe birth of my husband (part 19)And the birth of my kids with me, back again.Sep 18, 2022Sep 18, 2022
Published inThe birth of my husbandThe birth of my husband (Part 18)And the birth of my kids with me, back again.May 9, 2022May 9, 2022
Published inThe birth of my husbandThe birth of my husband Part 17And the birth of my kids with me, back again.Apr 28, 2022Apr 28, 2022
Published inCommit to paperMy new publication, Commit to paper.I started this new publication today, commit to paper. It means to explain everything related to researching, science, and publishing…Jan 15, 2022Jan 15, 2022
Published inEnvironmental PsychologyPsychoweather hypothesis: Smelling the weather and behavior change.Psychoweather is something I am developing for a few years now. It is a part of my company Essence. Elements in the weather cause responses…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
Published inThe birth of my husbandNumen- “a new church”, a place to connect with your Numen, your divine energy that watches over…I started yesterday, “Numen”, a church, a route of Numen, a pilgrim-like route with churches, where one can live free, and simply be with…Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
Published inOmbudscycleOmbudscyclus Attack — Tristan van der Vlis De Ridderhof in Alphen aan den Rijn, 2011.These victims did not get compensation. It can be one of the first tribunals against Rutte and Rutte123. There are many in total. So, we…Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
Published inOmbudscycleWorld Ombudscycle: Contaminated water.Because of contaminated water not a single family is healthy in this village. People are born with disabilities because of contaminated…Apr 6, 2021Apr 6, 2021
Published inOmbudscycleOmbudscycle and tribunals for North Korea.It is a small country, with about 25 million people. We have almost 8 billion people in the world. The world has just 250 countries, and…Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021
Published inBig Humanity and If I was a presidentBasic human life: Basic functioning of humans and their purpose in life.-There is a simple framework for everyone's life. We are humans, thus, biology. We can study biology, thus we can find out who we are as…Mar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021
Published inOmbudscycleOmbudscycle and tribunals: The global pandemic of stolen children: The Dutch human trafficking…Human rights are a duty, and firstly, what all must do. Same as ethics. Criminals know where this is going, they will be caught. We will…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
Published inOmbudscycleTribunals and ombudscycles against the dutch courts, and all workers, that stole children, forced…We need to do this in steps. Collecting all crimes done. Stopping at the same time, all their work, and catch already all we can. Adding…Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
Published inOne World for the Ombudscycle, OWO divisionsThe framework of law, why we can jail many people easily for violating human rights.The Dutch are brainwashed, used, abused, told otherwise than the truth, and need to unbrainwash, and learn again. Know the real routes…Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
Published inThe birth of my husbandThe birth of my husband Part 16And the birth of my kids with me, back again.Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
Published inCovid-19 collectionA rash is a key symptom of Covid19.8.8%- 20% of Covid19 patients have a skin rash, some without any other symptoms. Chicken-pox-like, typical rash on toes and fingers, hives…Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
Published in“Other Pregnancies”“Other Pregnancies” DiblingsDonor siblings are diblings. Some people have more children than they know, being a donor, these children can meet up with the donors, and…Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
Published inCovid-19 collectionCovid19 Cure, from Israël.I guess Israël is rich soon, with a cure, for a virus that kills the world. Everyone needs the cure. 97% of patients are cured with a new…Feb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021